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By a body of presidential electors

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Berta Yundt

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Presidential electors

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By a body of presidential electors

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Q: The framers finally decided that the president and vice president would be selected?
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The Framers finally decided that the President and Vice President should be selected .?

By a body of presidential electors

Why did the Framers of the Constitution not want to have the President selected by Congress?

They wanted the President to be elected by the people of the United States. In a compromise (Remember, the Constitution is a bundle of compromises), they Founding Fathers decided to have an "Electoral College," a group of common civilians who's sole purpose for being elected is to go and elect the President. Of course, in this day and age, with technology making a popular vote of the President much more practical, many people advocate the abolishment of the Electoral College. They argue that the popular vote should elect the President, rather than the people who elect the President.

Why the US president don't need to have a military experience?

The framers decided not to require any sort of experience or special expertise for the President, no doubt trusting the electors to be able to make such judgements on the individuals up for consideration as president.

How did the framers arrange for the electors to choose the president and vice president-?

The framers the elector to choose both vice and the president by the most vote. This is chosen by a group.

Who did the framers decide could set the taxing legislation?

The framers decided that the legislative branch could set the taxing legislation.

Who were the framers that were also president?

Madison Washington

How was the Constitution ratified?

== == The Framers of the Constitution and 9 of the 13 colonies decided to put the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution.

Which method of selecting the president did many of the framers initially favor?

Congress chooses the President.

Which method of selecting president did many of the framers initially favor?

Congress chooses the President.

What did framers want from presidents?

The framers wanted the President to provide national leadership, and be the commander in times of war. They also wanted the President to provide statesmanship in the area of foreign affairs.

What were the Framers three methods of presidential election?

Selected by congress, direct vote of the people, electoral college.

What are the methods of presidential election discussed by the framers?

Selected by congress, direct vote of the people, electoral college