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Q: The founders equated national powers with the powers of congress and gave congress?
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Related questions

What are powers given to the congress called?

National powers

What are powers given to congress called?

National powers

The powers of the national government include the powers of?

Congress and the president.

How are congress powers limited to a national scale?

they arnt

Who has the powers to lay and collect taxes duties imposts and excises?

both national and state governments

How many expressed powers of Congress deal with war and national defense?


What powers gives congress more creative avenues for expanding their powers?

Implied powers are what allow Congress to creatively expand its reach and power. Alexander Hamilton used the argument of implied powers to justify the creation of a national bank.

When Congress chooses to act exclusively in an area in which the states and the national government have concurrent powers Congress is said to have what the area?


What do we call the powers of Congress that are specifically listed in the constitution?

Delegated powers of the National Gov. that are spelled out in the Constitution are called expressed powers, aka "enumerated powers"

What power gives congress more creative avenues for expanding their powers?

Implied powers are what allow Congress to creatively expand its reach and power. Alexander Hamilton used the argument of implied powers to justify the creation of a national bank.

What was the first battle over the implied powers of congress over?

Alexander Hamilton's National Bank.

Why are not all of the powers of congress written down in the constitution?

When the Constitution was adopted in 1789, the Founders couldn't forsee every possible thong that the Congress could be called upon to do, such as regulate the production of Cars (which didn't exist back then). They added the implied powers so that future Congresses could adapt to the times.