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In the United States presidential election of 1800, only two men ran. Thomas Jefferson and running mate Aaron Burr ran for the Democratic-Republican party, and John Adams ran for the Federalist Party with running mate Charles C. Pinckney.

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Q: The election of 1800 saw who elected president?
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Who said who would be president in 1800?

The House of Representatives elected the President in January and February of 1801, after the election of 1800 resulted in a tie for President between Thomas Jefferson and his running mate, AAron Burr in the electoral college . One of the electors should have left Burr off his ballot and Burr should have resigned, but he saw his chance to be President, so the decision went to the House.

What happened after the electoral college votes in the election of 1800?

After the Electoral College voted in the election of 1800 the US had a Republican Vice President- John Adams and a Federalist President- Thomas Jefferson

What happened in the presidential election?

Thomas Jefferson was elected in 1800 despite a tie vote in the electoral college. His running mate, Aaron Burr got the same number of votes and Burr apparently saw a chance to be president despite his agreement to run for vice president. The House gave the election to Jefferson after much debate. ( The 12th amendment was soon added to the Constitution to prevent an recurrence of this kind of thing.)

Who was Thomas Jefferson's running mate in 1800?

Aaron Burr was Jefferson's running mate in 1800. Before the 12th amendment was ratified, each elector cast two votes. The highest was elected president and the 2nd highest vice-president. In 1800 Jefferson and his running mate tied for highest number of votes, so the House had to break the tie. It should have been automatic, but Burr saw his chance to be president and refused to drop out. The opposing Federalists saw their chance to cause trouble for the Republicans and maybe to make a deal, but eventually Jefferson was elected president and Burr vice-president.

Will Obama be sworn in again if he wins the 2012 election?

Yes, if a president is re-elected, he must be sworn in a second time and an inauguration ceremony will usually be held. We saw this with other presidents, and there is no reason to think we won't see it if President Obama is re-elected.

How was the vice presidential election of 1800 different from the presidential election?

In those days, the vice-president was the person who came in second in the presidential vote of the electoral college and every elector had two votes. Jefferson and Aaron Burr ran as a team with the understanding that Jefferson was running for president and Burr for vice-president, but both ended up with the same number of votes. Burr saw his chance to be president and refused to step aside so the election went to the House and after much political maneuvering , Jefferson was made president. This election prompted the passing of the 12th amendment which changed the system to the current one in which the president and vice-president are elected by separate votes.

What was unusual about the 1800 election?

There was a tie in electoral votes between Thomas Jefferson and and his running mate, Aaron Burr. In those days each elector voted twice and the person finishing second became the vice president. ( One of the pro-Jefferson electors should have left Burr off his ballot. ) Anyway, due to the tie vote , the election went to the House of Representatives. Burr saw his chance to be president and refused to concede. Opponents of Jefferson in the House saw an opportunity to mess up Jefferson's victory and perhaps gain some concessions for their co-operation, but eventually, Jefferson was elected President. The method of electing the president and vice president was changed by the 12th amendment, which was added to the Constitution in time for the next election .

Which is one reason that the election of 2008 was groundbreaking?

The most obvious ground breaking feature of 2008 was the election of a black man to the presidency. (He actually has a white mother, but calls himself black.) He is also the first from Hawaii, the first with a parent born in a third-world country and the first with two multiply-dvorced parents.

What was unusual about the election of 1800's?

There was a tie in electoral votes between Thomas Jefferson and and his running mate, Aaron Burr. In those days each elector voted twice and the person finishing second became the vice president. ( One of the pro-Jefferson electors should have left Burr off his ballot. ) Anyway, due to the tie vote , the election went to the House of Representatives. Burr saw his chance to be president and refused to concede. Opponents of Jefferson in the House saw an opportunity to mess up Jefferson's victory and perhaps gain some concessions for their co-operation, but eventually, Jefferson was elected President. The method of electing the president and vice president was changed by the 12th amendment, which was added to the Constitution in time for the next election .

Who was the first president whose election depended on the house of representatives?

John Quincy Adams

Who was chosen as president of the US by the U.S House of Representatives?

John Quincy Adams was chosen by the House in 1824 because nobody got a majority of the electoral vote. (Thomas Jefferson was chosen by the House in 1800 because he and his running mate. Aaron Burr tied in electoral vote. At that time every elector cast two votes. The highest became President and second highest vice-president. Burr saw his chance to be president and refused to resign, but the House eventually elected Jefferson. The 12th amendment was soon ratified which made the election of President and vice-president separate.

Who is the only unanimously elected US President?

Gerald Ford, the 38th President, was the only president of USA who was never elected to either the position of President or Vice President of the USA. He was appointed to the post of Vice President after the resignation of Nixon VP, Spiro Agnew of Maryland and later become President after the infamous Watergate scandal which saw the resignation of President Nixon. (Presidents John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson and Chester Arthur were all elected as vice-president, but were never elected to be President. They became President due to the death of the elected President. )