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Q: The democratic republican party was led by?
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Who led the democratic- republican party?

The Democratic-Republican Party was originally created by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. It was founded in response to opposition to the Federalist Party.

What party believed in an emphasis on agriculture?

the democratic-republican party led by thomas Jefferson

Anger over the election of 1824 led to a split in which political party?

Democratic-Republican Party.

The Kansas Nebraska act eventually led to the birth of what political party?

The Republican Party, but not as you know it today

When was Democratic-Republican Party created?

Democratic-Republican Party was created in 1791.

What was James Monroe political party affiliation?

Monroe belonged to the Democratic-Republican party, the party of Jefferson and Madison.

Disagreements between cabinet members during Washington's presidency led do the formation of what?

It led to the federalists (hamiltons party ) and the democratic - republican(jeffersons party)

When did they separate the Democratic Party and the Republican Party?

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party have never been together as a single party.

Which political party did James Madison participate in founding in the 1790s?

He was a Democratic-republican. Jefferson and Madison created the Democratic Republican Party to oppose the Federalist Party.

List the 2 major political parties in the USA?

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

When was Democratic Leftwing Republican Party created?

Democratic Leftwing Republican Party was created in 1925.

When was Croatian Democratic Republican Party created?

Croatian Democratic Republican Party was created in 2000.