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Charles Sumner.

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Q: The Senator who was beaten unconscious by a member of the House of Representatives after he gave his The Crime Against Kansas speech was?
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Who ran against bill Clinton in 96?

Senator Bob Dole of Kansas.

In 1996 president Clinton ran from reelection against?

Senator Bob Dole of Kansas.

Who was the abolitionist senator who was severely beaten when he condemned the South for the crime against Kansas?

Charles Sumner

What was the infamous incident between senator Charles sumner and congressman Preston brooks in 1854?

On March 19,1856 Republican Senator Charles Sumner started a violent speech on the topic "The crime against Kansas". He attacked the pro-slavery establishment and parliamentary representatives in general but he addressed himself particularly against the old Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina, who, some days before energetically sustained the Kansas had to be admitted in the Union as a slave State. Indeed, Sumner's attitude and verbal attack against Butler were really excessive and, when the speech was over, the nephew of Butler, Honorable Preston Books, seized by anger approached Sumner and hit him five or six time on the head with his walking stick, knocking him down bleeding and unconscious. The happening contributed to worsen further on the tensions and enlarge the furrow already in being between North and South

Senator Charles Sumner was an abolitionist who spoke out against slavery on Kansas and the Kansas Nebraska act true or false?

True. Senator Charles Sumner was an abolitionist who strongly opposed slavery. He gave a famous speech condemning the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the extension of slavery into new territories.

How did Charles Sumner views on bleeding Kansas create conflict?

his views were Criticizing and slavery and personally insulted Andrew Pickens Butlers

Stephen A. Douglas?

Senator from Illinois who ran for president against Abraham Lincoln. Wrote the Kansas-Nebreaska Act and the Freeport Doctrine

How many members of the house of represenatives represent kansas?

The state of Kansas has four representatives in the Unite States House of Representatives. These representatives are Tim Huelskamp, Lynn Jenkins, Kevin Yoder, and Mike Pompeo.

How was the issue of slavery to be decide in Nebraska and Kansas?

In 1854 , Senator Stephen A. Douglas prosposed a bill that would divide the Nebraska territory into two terriotories - Nebraska and Kansas .

How many represenatives does Kansas have?

Kansas has six (6) State Representatives.

Who followed Dole as Kansas Senator?

Pat Roberts.

The two candidates running for senator from kansas?

The two candidates that are running for senator in Kansas are Greg Orman ans Dr. Milton Wolf. The election is in a few weeks away.