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auditing the financial expenditures of the executive branch and federal agencies

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Q: The General Accounting Office assists Congress in its oversight function by?
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What The general accounting office assist congress in its oversight function by?

The General Accounting Office (GAO) assists Congress in its oversight function by __________.

What is the function of general accounting in accounting?

to be General

What does the general accounting office do?

Budget making work of congress

Which of these is an investigative agency of the US Congress?

General Accounting Office

How does the Financial Accounting Foundation influence the GASB?

The foundation is responsible for selecting the seven members of GASB and its Advisory Council, funding their activities, and exercising general oversight.

What is the role of an accounting department in a corporation?

Role of accounts department in a corporation is: · Financial accounting: financial and fixed asset reporting; payroll; accounts payable · Accounting function: maintain the general and subsidiary ledgers; process and record all revenues and prepare general purpose financial statements in compliance with IFRSs · Accounting oversight and guidance to other internal departments to ensure the gaap, legal requirements, policies and procedures - all consistently applied to maintain the integrity of the financial records. · Management accounting - budgeting, performance evaluation, cost management, asset management

What is a comptroller general?

The Comptroller General is in charge of the General Accounting Office (GAO). The GAO aids Congress in all auditing and budgeting matters for the Federal Government..

Who does the government accounting office GAO asnwer to?

The Government Accountability Office (GAO formerly the General Accounting Office) is a legislative branch agency that answers to congress.

What is the role of the Financial Accounting Foundation?

It is responsible for selecting members of the FASB, raising money to fund the FASB's operations, and providing general oversight of the FASB to assure that it is performing its mission

What agencies are maintained by the legislative branch?

General Accounting Office, Printing Office, Library of Congress, and the Congressional Budget Office

What is the role of the general accounting office?

The General Accounting Office (GAO) is the investigative arm of congress in Financial issues. It reviews the spending activities of Federal agencies, studies Federal programs, and it recommends ways to improve the financial performance of the government.

Describe the role of the general accounting office?

The General Accounting Office (GAO) is the investigative arm of congress in Financial issues. It reviews the spending activities of Federal agencies, studies Federal programs, and it recommends ways to improve the financial performance of the government.