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Q: The Air Force refers to the subsections or subcategories of culture as the what of culture?
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the air force refers to the subsections or subcategories of culture as the _____ of culture

Impulse refers to both force and?

Impulse refers to both force and time....... Impulse=(the change in Force)*(time) OR Impulse=the change in Momentum

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In Maori culture, "mana" refers to spiritual power, authority, or prestige. It is the belief in a supernatural force that can empower individuals or objects.

Which force refers to the movement of the solid parts of the earth?

The force that refers to the movement of the solid parts of the earth is "tectonic forces." These forces cause the Earth's lithosphere to move, resulting in processes like plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanic activity.

Was the effect of spreading roman culture good?

Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.

What is dynamism of culture?

Dynamism of culture is social concept termed by Virginia Postrel. She believes that society is open and constantly striving for better. Essentially, dynamism of culture is the force of [change] in culture.

What term refers to the force by which all bodies are attracted to the earth?

The term for the force that attracts all bodies to the Earth is gravity. It is a fundamental natural force that pulls objects towards each other.

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it refers to the inverse of the force between two point charges separated through unit distance.

What is How many domains are included are included in the air force model of culture?

12 Domains of Culture

Why is culture the dominant force in North Africa Southwest Asia and Central Asia?

Culture is a dominant force all around the world, not just in the Muslim-majority regions of it.

As friends of the indians what did many in the office of Indian affairs want?

to force white Christian culture on the Native Americans

What does grenicide mean?

"Grenicide" is a term used to describe the deliberate destruction of a population or culture through the use of military force, specifically by using grenades. It is analogous to "genocide," which refers to the systematic extermination of a particular group of people.