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No. There is No chance at all of overturning the Key West Agreement of 1948 and transferring the A-10s to the Army. The Air Force Is going to send All of its A-10 to the scrap heap in Arizona, and replace it with the fighter/attack multi-mission F/A-35. The Army will Always be restricted to attack helicopters, such as the Apache, for it's own armed air support, unlike the Marines who have a mixture of attack helicopters and fighter/attack fixed-wing aircraft. Remember Korea (1950-1953) and Vietnam (1945-1975) where US Army soldiers got wiped out on the ground, while USA fighter/attack aircraft flew overhead, unable to really do anything to change the outcome of the battle? I hate to sound like General Billy Mitchell, (who in the 1920s warned what bombers could do to battleships and what the Japanese could do to Pearl Harbor), but, I am very pessimistic about the future of the Army and close-air-support, once the Air Force replaces the last of it's A-10s and replaces them with the F/A-35. "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it". It seems as though the USA Air Force has deliberately forgotten the Korean War and the Vietnam War, and what happened when multi-mission aircraft were supposed to provide air cover for the US Army and Failed to do so. The past is the future when the mistakes of the past are not remembered to prevent the mistakes of the future.

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Q: Since the air force plans to replace the a-10 with the f-35 is there any chance of getting rid of the key west agreement of 1948 and transferring the a-10 to the army?
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