The American flag should be flown above a light as a sign of respect
Any state flag should be flown below or level with the US Flag, but never above it. If it is on the same level it should be on the right, this includes Texas. The rumor that Texas is the only state that is allowed to fly at level with the US Flag is just that a rumor and an urban myth.
No flag can be flown the American flag when on American soil.
In the United States, no. It is improper to fly another flag above the US flag in the United States. Other countries have similar customs and rules.
It could, but it would be disrespectful.
vessel which flag intitled to fly
It is not illegal, but it is against tradition and protocol and would not be proper. The United States flag flies on top, then beneath that the state flag, and then beneath that, the Confederate flag may be flown.
Its a same way we fly a flag ay United State.
Proper flag protocol says that the flag should not fly at night unless there are lights trained on it, then it's fine.
Any flag could, but it would be disrespectful.
Texas flag no doubt i live in Texas i should know