This portion of the Constitution is known as the elastic clause. This clause allows for Congress to take on some powers not specifically given to them in the Constitution in extreme cases.
power play is two words
the commerce power and the taxing power
the congress
The non-legislative functions of Congress are the powers and responsibilities NOT related to passing laws. For example: impeachment power, confirmation power, and investigative power
legislative power mean to have a two biocameral legislative
The President has the power to prevent a bill from becoming law if less than two thirds of either house of Congress supports it, and the Supreme Court has the power to interpret federal laws.
Congress can't make laws about marriage and can't make any laws that take away your rights.
The Constitution gives the president the power to prorogue a session of Congress if the two houses can not agree on a date. This is found in Article 2 of the Constitution.
The President does have the power to veto Congressional legislation that comes to him for approval. However, Congress has the ability to override his veto with two thirds of the Congress.
two words
The president has the power to prorogue a session of congress. This can happen only if two houses cannot agree on a date for adjournment.
The president sets the time if the two houses of Congress cannot agree on adjournment. This power is given to the president by the Constitution.