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national budget

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Q: Over the years presidents have assumed more responsibility for this financial plan?
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If you are required to show proof of financial responsibility for the future how many years must such proof proof be kept up?

When required to maintain proof of financial responsibility, this proof must remain on file for two years.

If you are required to show proof of financial responsibility for the futur for how many years must the proof be kept?

For two years

If are required to show proof of financial responsibility for the future for how many years must the proof be kept?

For two years

In Texas if you are required to show proof of financial responsibility for the future how many years must such proof be kept up?

You are required to show proof of financial responsibility for the future when you immigrate.You must maintain such proof for ten years.

What are your responsibilities if you claim to be the father of a child who is not yours?

It means you are accepting financial responsibility for the child at least until that child is eighteen years of age.

How long do presidents get to stay presidents?

They get four years then there is a re-election then they can win another four years

Do most of the presidents have dogs?

Yes, most of our presidents have had a dog throughout the years.

Who were the presidents of Spain in 1850 and 1900?

Spain was a monarchy in those years. It did not have presidents.

How long have presidents been around?

Presidents have been around for 204 years

What is the average number of years served by us presidents?

Presidents can only serve for 2 terms. 4 years are in a term.

What financial responsibility does a step parent have for stepchildren over 18 years old?

The financial responsibility of a step parent for stepchildren over 18 years old depends on various factors such as legal obligations, custody arrangements, and individual circumstances. In general, step parents are not legally obligated to financially support stepchildren once they reach adulthood. However, some step parents may voluntarily choose to provide financial support if there is a close relationship or if it is agreed upon within the blended family.

Presidents must be at least?

35 years old