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Q: On business reform Theodore Roosevelt promised in the 1912 presidential election to penalize conduct and not?
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WHAT business reform Theodore Roosevelt promised in the 1912 presidential election to penalize conduct and not what?

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What man defeated Theodore Roosevelt of the us?

Woodrow Wilson defeated Theodore Roosevelt in the 1912 U.S. Presidential Election.

What did Theodore Roosevelt promise in 1912 presidential election?

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Which political part did Theodore roosevelt respresent in the 1912 presidential election?

The Progressive Party

What margin did Theodore Roosevelt win when he won the election?

Theodore Roosevelt beat Alton Parker by a margin of 196 votes, 41.2% of all votes cast, in the U.S. presidential election of 1904.

Who did Teddy Roosvelt loose to in 1912 presidential election?

Woodrow Wilson won the 1912 presidential election defeating Theodore Roosevelt. In the 1912 presidential election Woodrow Wilson received 435 electoral votes and Theodore Roosevelt received 88 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Wilson 6,293,152 and Roosevelt 4,119,207.

Which election best demonstrates the influence of the progressive party?

The 1912 election of Theodore Roosevelt.

Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential election of 1900?

William McKinley/Theodore Roosevelt William Jennings Bryan/Adlai E.Stevenson

What did Theodore Roosevelt promise in 1902 presdential election?

There wasn't a presidential election that year.

Which candidate in the presidential election of 1912 formed the bull party?

Former President Theodore Roosevelt created the Progressive Party (nicknamed the "Bull Moose Party") after he failed to receive the Republic nomination in the 1912 presidential election. Theodore Roosevelt received 88 electoral votes and 4,119,207 (27%) of the popular votes.

Who won the 1912 presidental election?

Woodrow Wilson won the 1912 presidential election defeating Theodore Roosevelt. In the 1912 presidential election Woodrow Wilson received 435 electoral votes and Theodore Roosevelt received 88 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Wilson 6,293,152 and Roosevelt 4,119,207.

What was Progressive candidate Theodore Roosevelt's term in the 1912 presidential election for an expansion of federal power to regulate big business and enact legislation to promote?

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