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Q: Largest nation with a communist government?
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What is the largest communist nation in the world?

China, obviously.

Which Caribbean island nation has a communist government?

cuba china etc .there are different islands with a communist government

What balkan nation had a communist government but remained unaligned?


Which country's government is communist?

China China's population is the largest in the world.

What nation in eastern Europe didnt communist government call for free election?

A ‘Communist government’ is a contradiction in terms, as Communism means no classes and no government and no money. The question presumably refers to the state capitalist system set up under Bolshevik rule in many places.

What is largest communist country?

China is state capitalist, not Communist (which would mean no money or classes or government).

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The closet i could get was the indian communist government group

Was montenegro ever communist government?

The nation of Montenegro used to be part of Yugoslavia, and it therefore had a communist government during the period of 1945 - 1990, between the end of WW II and the fall of communism in Europe.

In 1950 the communist government of which nation attacked South Korea?

North Korea attacked Korea in 1950

Out come of the Vietnam war?

The North Vietnamese took over the south and reunified the nation under a communist government.

What kind of government did Russia have during World War 2?

During that time period Russia was a Communist nation.