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Q: Joseph are McCarthy went after the US Army in televised hearing claiming that it was full of communist what he's hearing the sleep to?
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What did McCarthy hearing make people fear?


How did Eisenhower end McCarthy's investigation into his administration and the US Army?

Eisenhower ended McCarthy's investigation into his administration and the US Army by allowing a televised Senate hearing where Army counsel Joseph Welch famously asked McCarthy, "Have you no sense of decency?" This marked a turning point in public opinion against McCarthy and contributed to his eventual downfall. Eisenhower did not directly intervene but allowed the process to play out and let public sentiment turn against McCarthy.

How did senator McCarthy spread the fear of communism in the US?

McCarthy claimed he had a list of "known communists" working in the State Department. The number of names on the list changed from speech to speech. He opened a Senate hearing on the matter and accused anyone who disagreed with him of being a communist or a communist sympathizer. He brought in witnesses to name names of communists whom they knew, but many of the names were so-called "suspected communists" and there was no proof that any of the names were of actual communist spies. People often denounced their neighbors and co-workers so that they themselves would not be accused of being communists. Some people denounced political or business rivals, without proof, to give themselves an advantage over their antagonists. Finally, McCarthy was brought down by a one-two punch of Edward R. Murrow showing a TV documentary in which nothing but McCarthy's own words were used to indict him, and Attorney Joe Walsh challenged McCarthy in his own Senate committee by asking him, "For the love of God, Senator, have you no shame?"

What was the US Congress's final response to Joseph McCarthys actions and how long after their response did he die?

Congress's response was to censure him after his long tirade of baseless Communist accusations in the Army, Government, and what not. His accusations began in 1950 and after three long years of hunting Communists without facts the Army, with the Presidents blessing, put McCarthy on trial for trying to get a former aide of his better treatment in the Army. This trial/ hearing were televised for the 36 days it went on and 20 million people watched. The people who watched realized McCarthy was just a bully and his popularity began to plummet. With his popularity gone Congress finally felt confident enough to try and censure him in 1954. The censure hearing held to see if he should be censured on 46 different accounts. After about two months the hearing ended and he was censured on only 2 accounts. This took away most of his power. No one listened to his speeches and television stayed away from him. After three years as a powerless senator he died of inflammation of the liver on May 2, 1957. He was 48.

Who was involved in the McCarthy hearing?

The McCarthy Hearings were inquiries made by Senator Joseph McCarthy into allegations of Communist subversion and espionage in the U.S. government and defense industries in the early 1950's. This period of intense inquiries was known as McCarthyism

Did people all over the world grieve Kennedy's death?

Well most of the grieving was in America, but yes there was an outpouring of sympathy from around the world even in the communist states. Canadian PM Lester Pearson gave a nationwide televised address about the assassination. Castro said JFK "could have been the greatest president;" In the Soviet Union, Kruschev is had to have "broken down and cried" upon hearing the news.

What was the name given to the anti-communist panic in the US?

The anti-communist scare of the 1950's in America was known as the "Red Scare" The movement was originally designed to locate and call out anti-american activities in government , education, science and the Arts. The leading force behind this effort was led by Senator Mc Carthy. Suspected communists were subpeoned by Congress to testify before the House Committe on Un-American Activities. These hearing were televised to the American public and became a witch hunt and a circus combined. Many individuals were black listed for suspected communist beliefs and had their careers and life ruined.

Why can't you say the word polygraph during a court hearing.?

Come to think of it, I never recall the word being used in any televised court and borderline-legal proceedings such as the famous Watergate hearings.

The hearing held in juvenile court to determine the merits of the petition claiming that a child is either a delinquent youth or in need of court supervision is called?

This would be an adjudication hearing. At this hearing, a Judge is required to make a finding based on evidence and arrive at a judgment. The adjudication hearing is comparable to an adult trial and the standard of proof used-beyond a reasonable doubt-is similar to that used in adult trials.

Who was Joeseph McCarthy?

The simple answer is Joseph McCarthy was the elected Senator from Wisconsin from 1947-1957. To actually answer the question with a little more drive it will take some space. He is best known for his interesting career of hunting Communists in various places. It started in 1950 when McCarthy started making claims that there were Communist spies and sympathizers inside the United States in key positions. Throughout his short career he claimed there were spies in the government, the army, and his political opponents turned into spies too. These accusations proved baseless, but he was able to gain the power over a subcommittees to investigate the so called Communists. These investigations were usually televised and ruined carriers for honest folks. Then McCarthy got to the Army. He couldn't find anything initially; so he focused on a drafted dentist that refused to admit to any political affiliation. Later the dentist was discharged from the Army; this caused McCarthy to begin to berate a WW2 hero. This caused anger from numerous groups including President Eisenhower. This marked the beginning of the end for McCarthy carrier. The President and the Army launched an attack on McCarthy in the form of a hearing. The clamed was that McCarthy supposedly tried to get the Army to treat a former aid of his better. The hearings were watched on television by 20 million people who after watching him realized he was nothing more than a bully. This caused his popularity to decline among the citizens. The U.S. Senate saw an opening and began the process to censure McCarthy on 46 separate accounts. After two months the decision was to he be censured on 2 of the 46 accounts. This made it impossible for McCarthy to hold any seats in committees. From then on McCarthy was no longer of much interest. His speeches were barely attended or just ignored by his fellow senators; the news media no longer broadcast his every word. He still clamored about the evils of Communism, and that it must be utterly destroyed. He even condemned a Supreme Court pick because the judge called his investigations a witch hunt. No one really took him seriously though. After his censure his health declined and he slowly became depressed and drank more. On May 2, 1957 McCarthy died at age 48 from inflammation of the liver. His death marked the end of his career as well as the end of strong armed anti-communists senators from the state of Wisconsin that elected a Democrat that denounced McCarthy to his now vacant senate seat.

Why were Joseph McCarthy's charges so damaging to individuals?

That's a question that can't be answered without looking at the time in which it happened. In the early 1950s, the Cold War had begun, and Americans had deep suspicion of Russia and Communism as China was taken over by a communist regime in 1949, Korea became two in 1950 as the communists held what is now North Korea, and the Soviet Union was about test a nuclear bomb. Since the late 1930s, some members of congress had already been expressing concern about an alleged takeover of the USA by Communists, and Senator McCarthy capitalized on that fear and concern. FBI founder and head Herbert Hoover, an anti-communist fervor himself, also fanned the flames with names of people who were already dismissed, died, or did not exist. There was no internet yet, TV was still fairly new, and fact-checking was not a common practice, so if a congressman (and most were men) made an assertion, the press generally reported it without question. Until Edward R. Murrow took McCarthy on in the 1954 Army hearings, there was not much mainstream media critique of the claims he made, even though some members of his own Republican party (including President Eisenhower) were becoming more and more uncomfortable with McCarthy's accusations. But due to lack of a strong response, a lot of innocent people lost their jobs and their reputations.In one televised hearings on CBS and the DuMont stations, McCarthy was seen as ruthless, arrogant, and a bully. The exchange between attorney Joseph Welch and McCarthy more or less ended McCarthy's career:"Until this moment, Senator, I think I never gauged your cruelty or recklessness...."When McCarthy resumed his attack, Welch cut him short: "Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator.... You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"Prior to this exchange, McCarthy accused the army of harboring "pixies" and "fairies." His general counsel, who also had the tool to instigate, Roy Cohn, was himself a homosexual, something that is known today but was not known back then.Prior to that hearing, McCarthy had a positive 50% rating and after, it fell to 34%. I am leaving links for you to review. The first link concerning "McCarthyism" has listed on the bottom members of the film industry who were "blacklisted." Joseph McCarthy was censored by the Senate and anytime he stood up to speak, very few senators were present. The media also stopped covering him. He died as a result of alcoholism in 1957.*Because he was a senator, he could not be sued for saying these things-Apex

Will Michael Jackson's doctors trial be on the television?

A hearing set for February 7th will determine a few matters including whether the judge will allow cameras in the court room. Update; The judge has decided to allow cameras in so it will be televised, it's due to start on March 24th.