J F Kennedy died on the 22nd November 1963.
John F. Kennedy Jr. died on July 16, 1999 at the age of 38.
John F. Kennedy died on November 22, 1963 at the age of 46.
john f Kennedy got assassinated
John F. Kennedy died on November 22, 1963 (aged 46).
James Polk, James Garfield, John F. Kennedy had their mothers alive at the time of their death. Warren G. Harding and John F. Kennedy both had their father's alive at the time of their death. Interesting fact, John F. Kennedy also had his grandmother alive at the time of his death.
John F. Kennedy first lady was JacquelineKennedy.
John F. Kennedy January 20, 1961
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy was the mother of John Fitzgerald Kennedy so he could not have divorced her. John was married to Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy until his death. There were rumors that he had been married before, but they were just rumors.
John F Kennedy was a Democrat.
he was shot to death
John F. Kennedy did.John F. Kennedy did.John F. Kennedy did.John F. Kennedy did.John F. Kennedy did.John F. Kennedy did.John F. Kennedy did.John F. Kennedy did.John F. Kennedy did.John F. Kennedy did.John F. Kennedy did.