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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Thomas Jefferson believed that it was crucial for the people to have and uphold their rights in order to live peacefully and securely. He emphasized the importance of individual freedom and protection from government interference. Jefferson believed that a government's primary role should be to protect and guarantee these rights for its citizens.

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Q: Jefferson thought that was essential for the people to enjoy their rights in peace and security.?
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How do you think Jefferson differed from Hamilton in his view of people and human nature?

Jefferson thought that human beings were so-so, but he actually thought of himself the most. Hamilton, on the other hand, had a negative view of the nature of humans. He thought they were ignorant, selfish, and untrustworthy. He did not think decisions were based on what was best for everyone. Hamilton believed that the wealthy and well educated should be the main voters, not the farmers or the poor.

What would the Framers of the Constitution have disagreed with?

the framers of the constitution would have argued about who shyould have more power. (the people) or the government. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr are good examples of this. Aaron Burr thought the wealthy and succesfull should run the country. Thomas Jefferson disagreed. He thought that those who worked the land (the farmers) should run the country.

Who did Thomas Jefferson think should hold political power?

In his own words about political power and the common people, Thomas Jefferson said, "I know no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education."