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No, each party's nominee for US President selects the party's nominee for Vice President, subject to the approval of the party. The election of 1796 was the only US presidential election in which the presidential candidate of the opposing political party won the vice presidency instead of the winning presidential candidate's party's choice for running mate. The 12th Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified in 1804, ensures that people of opposing political parties can no longer become President and Vice President in that way, but the likelihood of candidates of opposing parties being elected President and Vice President at the same time still exists for cases in which no presidential or vice presidential candidate receives enough electoral votes while the US House and Senate are controlled by opposing parties.

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Q: Is the vice president of the US appointed by the opposition?
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John Adams was elected to be the first vice president of the US.

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Gerald Ford. He was appointed Vice President and then became president when President Nixon resigned.

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Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller was appointed vice-president in 1974 after Gerald Ford took over as president when Nixon resigned.

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The U.S. President and Vice President are elected by the special body called the Electoral College. Each state has electors that are appointed. In total, there are 538 electors.

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The President and Vice-president are elected, the President's cabinet is appointed. If the Vice-president dies in office, the President appoints a new Vice-president, pending confirmation of Congress.

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Gerald Ford was the first vice-president who was not elected to the position.He later became the president when President Nixon resigned his office, so I suppose you could say he was appointed President. (Nelson Rockefeller was the only other appointed vice-president. He was appointed to replace Ford after Ford moved up to President. )

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The person to replace Spiro Agnew in 1973 was Gerald Ford. President Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to be Vice President.

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The only president who took office but was not elected was Gerald Ford. He was also never elected as vice president either but was appointed to both offices.

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No- Rockefeller , who was appointed to replace Ford, who became President when Nixon resigned, served out the rest of Ford's term.

Who is the Vice-President of the US and President of the US Senate?

Joe Biden is Vice-President of the US and therefore President of the US Senate.

What number was US Vice President Millard Fillmore?

He was the 12th US Vice President.

Who are the elected White House officials?

The only elected members of the executive branch of the US government are the president and the vice-president. The cabinet and the white house staff are all appointed by the president, with confirmation by the Senate.