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Yes, the concentration changes after dilution. By definition dilution means to lower the concentration.

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Q: Is the concentration change after dillution?
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The concentration of the salt solution does NOT change- it is saturated.

What is concentration per unit time?

Concentration per unit time, also known as rate of change of concentration, is a measure of how quickly the concentration of a substance is changing with respect to time. It indicates the speed at which a substance is being produced or consumed in a reaction or process. This can be calculated by dividing the change in concentration by the time interval over which the change occurred.

How can you change concentration?

You can change the concentration of a solution by adding more solute or solvent to it, or by removing some of the solvent. A higher concentration means more solute is dissolved in the solvent, while a lower concentration means less solute is dissolved.

Does a change in the concentration of reactants result a change in temperature?

Sometimes this is possible.

Why is there no change in the concentration of the NaCl solution?

The question is not clear; the concentration of salt in water can be very variable.

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The change in hydrogen ion concentration is a 1000-fold increase when the pH decreases by 3 units. This is because the pH scale is logarithmic, with each unit change representing a 10-fold change in hydrogen ion concentration.

Which change shows a tenfold increase in concentration h ions?

pH 2 -> pH 1

Can the concentration of the substance change if it is a gas?

Yes, the concentration of a gas can change due to factors such as temperature, pressure, and volume. These changes can affect the number of gas molecules in a given volume, thus altering the concentration of the gas.

What does a change in pH of one unit represent in terms of hydrogen ion concentration?

A change in pH of one unit represents a tenfold change in hydrogen ion concentration. For example, a solution with a pH of 4 has 10 times higher hydrogen ion concentration than a solution with a pH of 5.

Which term refers to the condition that exist when no net change in concentration results from diffusion A. concentration B. equilibrium C. osmosis D. Randomness?

B. Equilibrium - when equal particles continue to move in both directions there is no further net change in the concentration on either side

3 conditions that will influence the direction a reaction will go?

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