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Right now, no. There is a wait. It also depends what recruiting station you're coming from. If you're in a busy area like Florida, or New Jersey it will be an even longer wait. Landlocked states like Montana, Colorado, and the Dakota's are easier. In the Coast Guard, you MUST score at least a 40 on the ASVAB to qualify. They're also cracking down on alcohol related charges for people trying to join. Usually the wait is a year or more, unless you want to be a cook...then they'll gladly ship you straight to boot camp. Do yourself a favor though and do a LOT of research before joining. If you feel the armed forces is a lifestyle you'd enjoy, I'd urge you to check out the USAF.

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12y ago

No its actually really simple basic is hard but other then that not hard

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15y ago

For an officer, it is harder to get into the Coast Guard. They have much stricter physical requirements.

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