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Q: Is the GI Bill transferable to dependents?
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Can your dependents use your GI Bill in the Navy?

Yes. Do a google search on the "Post 9/11 GI Bill". Benefits can now be transferred to your dependents. There are a number of caveats, but it is definitely allowed.

What is the bah rate in Daytona fl?

For post 9/11 GI Bill purposes the current rate for E-5 w/ dependents is $1254.00 a month.

Can you get a business loan on the GI Bill?

No, the GI Bill funds your education.

Who created the GI Bill of Rights?

Franklin D. Roosevelt created the GI Bill.

Do you receive living allowance for the gi bill?

Under the "New GI Bill," yes.

Do military family members receive tuition assistance?

Here is what I found after a little looking on the net... Military Spouses can in many cases receive some sort of tuition assistance. With the new Post 9-11 GI Bill, benefits are transferable, so that is another viable option to look into. Here is some post 9-11 GI Bill Information:

Can spouses use the Montgomery GI bill?

spouses can use the gi bill starting aug 2009

How can the new GI bill benefits be calculated?

There are many resources on the internet that help calculating the GI bill benefits. One such resource is the GI bill calculator, which can be found on the official GI bill calculator website. By filling in one's detail, the calculator will automatically calculate one's benefits for them.

Can it be court ordered to pay spousal support out of money received from the gi bill?

The GI bill pays for education.

Was the GI Bill a success?

No, the GI Bill is crap. They tease you with all these promises of money for college, but you have to jump through hoops to get it.

Do reservists get the gi bill?


Will you lose your GI bill if you get married?
