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No. "SSDI" --- as you stated "SSI" --- is for those who have applied for (some) disability. SSA, applies to those who have reached the age of 65, with no disabilities. Everyone qualifies for SSA when they're 65, regardless of your health. That is my finding, in having both SSDI (SSI) and have SSA.

I may well have misunderstood your post, because you referred to "SSI". And you should have posted 'SSA", and yes it is the same as "social security". SSA is the same as Social Secuity. Downloaded to your bank and placed as a deposit, monthly by the Treasury Department.

If anyone wants to correct my reply, please do so. I so not want to provide false information. Thanks and regards: JIM

If anyone wants to correct what I replied --- please do so. I do NOT want to proffer false information. Thanks and regards: Jim

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Q: Is ssi the same social security?
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What does SSI stands for?

Social Security Identification

Is social security considered income for v.a pension?

Social Security Retirement & Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are not.

Can child support be withdrawn from social security?

Yes, but not from SSI.

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Where does ssi checks come from?

SSI is administered by Social Security and is funded by general revenues - taxes, etc.

How much can one earn a week on ssi?

you can earn up to $80.00 a week and still be elligable for SSI and Social Security. you can earn up to $80.00 a week and still be elligable for SSI and Social Security. you can earn up to $80.00 a week and still be elligable for SSI and Social Security.

how can i find out about my ssi status need to know if i need to send any more information to the social security department>?

You can check your SSI status by logging into your Social Security account online or by contacting the Social Security Administration directly. They will be able to tell you if any additional information is needed for your case.

What is SSI under the Social Security Administration?

SSI is Supplemental Security Income, a means-tested form of welfare available only to disabled people and seniors 65 and older whose income and assets fall below a certain poverty threshold. SSI is administered by the Social Security Administration.

Where do you get info on ssi ssd law?

From the social security web site.

Can you collect SSI and disability at the same time?

No your social security benefits payments will be issued to you monthly. Unless you happen to qualify for some back payments then you could receive a lump sum to bring you up to the year that you started receiving your SSB amounts.

Which Political Party decided to start giving annuity payments to immigrants?

According to the social security website:Neither immigrants nor anyone else is able to collect Social Security benefits without someone paying Social Security payroll taxes into the system. The conditions under which Social Security benefits are payable, and to whom, can be found in the question confuses the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program with Social Security. SSI is a federal welfare program and no contributions, from immigrants or citizens or anyone else, is required for eligibility. Under certain conditions, immigrants can qualify for SSI benefits. The SSI program was an initiative of the Nixon Administration and was signed into law by President Nixon on October 30, 1972.An explanation of the basics of Social Security, and the distinction between Social Security and SSI, can be found

May i receive ssi and unemployment in New York state?

Ireceive a small social security and ssi amount. If i will receive unemployment benefits will if affect my ssi?