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If the work restrictions result from an incident that is work-related under the OSHA definitions, then they may be OSHA recordable. Always consult a specialist who is familiar with both the OSHA regulations and the specifics of the incident.

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Q: Is restricted duty considered OSHA recordable?
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As an employer what is required to be reported to OSHA if the injury is very minor and short term light duty is used or how can the claim be disputed to protect the company safety record?

Couple of different matters here- OSHA recordable, and OSHA reportable. An employer is required to report to OSHA any FATAL accident, or any accident that causes the hospitalization of 3 or more employees. Other injuries may be RECORDABLE, but are not reportable. If the worker has a medical restriction for more than the day of injury, it becomes a recordable. IF the healthcare provider returns the worker to duty, with "care not to aggravate the injury", that is not recordable as a day of restricted activity. If it is the employer's belief that this is NOT a work related injury, they may not be required to record it without other documentation. Do not confuse OSHA and Worker's Comp- two separate matters. If an employer believes an injury is not in the course and scope of employment, they may notify their Worker's Comp insurance carrier, or the State Industrial Commission, and contest the claim.

What was OSHA recordable?

AnswerAn OSHA recordable is an injury, illness, or death that OSHA deems to be recordable under its recordkeeping regulations.AnswerThe answer to your question is that giving a medication, dose or a treatment that "requires a prescription" makes an injury "recordable" under OSHA guidelines. Therefore a "prescription" for 200mg ibuprofen is not recordable unless you tell the patient to take 3 pills at a time (a prescription dose of a non prescription medication.) Now, 400mg ibuprofen is not a prescription dose but is not available over the counter so likely would be considered a "prescription" medication. Confusing, huh?So when you gave that injured worker 400mg of ibuprofen that night that did not cause the injury to be listed as recordable but prescribing the antibiotic did. (I hope it was more than a scratch.)Next, duty status: Restricting duty will usually make an injury recordable under OSHA guidelines but not in all cases.First you may restrict the workers duty for the balance of his shift on the "day of injury" without incurring recordability. The "day of injury" is defined by OSHA as well and occasionally subject to interpretation. If the injury results from trauma, the day of injury is the day of the trauma and the subsequent shift. So our night workers who are injured before midnight may be restricted after midnight without penalty if the restriction is limited to the current work shift. The TX DWC 73 form in this case would have both the restricted and unrestricted boxes checked with the appropriate dates clearly noted. It is a good idea to write "balance of shift only" in the notes section of restrictions.A worker who reports his traumatic injury occurred on a prior date establishes that date as the "date of injury" and may not be restricted balance of shift without triggering recordability. (Remember that this worker may have been doing full duty up to the time of the visit and may deserve a trail of treatment without restrictions initially.) Be aware that we all will use the date of injury for identification and tracking so it should be consistent with the employers and insurers records as well so document the incident carefully. You may be asked to defend your choice of DOI.When a worker reports symptoms that have appeared gradually and the medical determination is that the injury is a result of "cumulative trauma" the date of the first medical visit and diagnosis becomes the "date of injury." Work related soreness is not always "an injury" but when an employee is brought to us it becomes an injury. Be sure to counsel workers that when the work is hard, soreness can be a daily fact of life especially during an adjustment period when the work or the pace is changing.Restrictions that do not impact the "essential functions" of an employee's job do not trigger recordability. For example, a secretary who is told not to lift 50 pounds would not generally trigger recordability. Putting that restriction onto her duty slip might trigger an unpleasant response from her safety supervisor if he does not understand OSHA very well (and many do not.)"Lost time" under OSHA results when restrictions are so consequential that the employee should not be at work. This is rarely a medical determination with the injuries we treat and applies more to patients that have required hospitalization or surgery. Even so, many workers can undergo day surgeries and return to restricted duties without lost time if the consultants understand how to work with the system. Employees may even be in a safer and more supervised environment than they would be at home."Death" in the workplace is the highest level of recordability and usually OSHA will be onsite within 24 to 48 hours to investigate the circumstances surrounding these tragedies.

When was Restricted Duty Ribbon created?

Restricted Duty Ribbon was created in 1984.

Is bullying at work OSHA recordable?

Only work-related injuries and illnesses that meet OSHA criteria are recordable. Bullying at work is a practice, not an injury or illness, so it is not recordable. However, injuries or illnesses may result from bullying and those could be recordable. They have, however, adopted an anti bullying policy for the workers. The policy is contained in a 278-page document, the OSHA Field Health and Safety Manual, which was released on May 23, 2011. The manual outlines safety practices for OSHA's field offices. It was drafted in cooperation with the National Council of Field Labor Locals, a union that represents OSHA workers. OSHA's workplace bullying policy is significant because the General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires employers to "furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees … ." However, OSHA has not enforced that provision with respect to workplace bullying, despite overwhelming research that workplace bullying may cause severe damages to a target's mental and physical health.

Your employee stated on monday that he had pulled a muscle in his back on Friday The dr did not give a prescription but did give a couple of days light duty Is this osha recordable?

If light duty came about as a result of an injury or illness due to an event of exposure in the work environment and is a discernible cause of the injury or illness or a significant aggravation to a pre-existing condition.

What is an OSHA?

AnswerAn OSHA recordable is an injury, illness, or death that OSHA deems to be recordable under its recordkeeping regulations.AnswerThe answer to your question is that giving a medication, dose or a treatment that "requires a prescription" makes an injury "recordable" under OSHA guidelines. Therefore a "prescription" for 200mg ibuprofen is not recordable unless you tell the patient to take 3 pills at a time (a prescription dose of a non prescription medication.) Now, 400mg ibuprofen is not a prescription dose but is not available over the counter so likely would be considered a "prescription" medication. Confusing, huh?So when you gave that injured worker 400mg of ibuprofen that night that did not cause the injury to be listed as recordable but prescribing the antibiotic did. (I hope it was more than a scratch.)Next, duty status: Restricting duty will usually make an injury recordable under OSHA guidelines but not in all cases.First you may restrict the workers duty for the balance of his shift on the "day of injury" without incurring recordability. The "day of injury" is defined by OSHA as well and occasionally subject to interpretation. If the injury results from trauma, the day of injury is the day of the trauma and the subsequent shift. So our night workers who are injured before midnight may be restricted after midnight without penalty if the restriction is limited to the current work shift. The TX DWC 73 form in this case would have both the restricted and unrestricted boxes checked with the appropriate dates clearly noted. It is a good idea to write "balance of shift only" in the notes section of restrictions.A worker who reports his traumatic injury occurred on a prior date establishes that date as the "date of injury" and may not be restricted balance of shift without triggering recordability. (Remember that this worker may have been doing full duty up to the time of the visit and may deserve a trail of treatment without restrictions initially.) Be aware that we all will use the date of injury for identification and tracking so it should be consistent with the employers and insurers records as well so document the incident carefully. You may be asked to defend your choice of DOI.When a worker reports symptoms that have appeared gradually and the medical determination is that the injury is a result of "cumulative trauma" the date of the first medical visit and diagnosis becomes the "date of injury." Work related soreness is not always "an injury" but when an employee is brought to us it becomes an injury. Be sure to counsel workers that when the work is hard, soreness can be a daily fact of life especially during an adjustment period when the work or the pace is changing.Restrictions that do not impact the "essential functions" of an employee's job do not trigger recordability. For example, a secretary who is told not to lift 50 pounds would not generally trigger recordability. Putting that restriction onto her duty slip might trigger an unpleasant response from her safety supervisor if he does not understand OSHA very well (and many do not.)"Lost time" under OSHA results when restrictions are so consequential that the employee should not be at work. This is rarely a medical determination with the injuries we treat and applies more to patients that have required hospitalization or surgery. Even so, many workers can undergo day surgeries and return to restricted duties without lost time if the consultants understand how to work with the system. Employees may even be in a safer and more supervised environment than they would be at home."Death" in the workplace is the highest level of recordability and usually OSHA will be onsite within 24 to 48 hours to investigate the circumstances surrounding these tragedies.

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In the Line of Duty - 1915 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:BPjM Restricted

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Does ADSO need to be familiar with the OSHA standard that apply to their workplaces?

ADSO stands for the Active Duty Service Obligation. Like any other organization, the ADSO must be familiar with OSHA policies that apply to their workplace.

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No, you are considered an active duty service member.

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Where can you find OSHA standard concering metal material hanging over work table?

There will not be a specific standard at the level of detail. Look to the general duty clause in the OSHAct.