yes population is an asset ...but with that on the other hand it is a liability too .... it is an asset because a country's population is meant by the no.of people living in that country ..and if more the people more is the contribution ...and lesser the people less productivity and contribution ...
it is a liability if .the people are not contributing to their country in an effeciet manner ..consumption of human /natural resources is more and contribution is less it leads to underdevelopmaent of that country which is in the hands of the people or the population ...hence proven..
the the population of India is an asset
Asset - Liability = Net Asset / Liability * Net Asset - When Asset is more than Liability * Net Liability - When Liability is more than Asset
it is an asset as it has more chances of provivding labour which can help in more production for the development of the country.
yes It is an Asset, not a Liability.
asset liability
It is an asset