Olga Kurylenko is 38 years old (birthdate: November 14, 1979).
Olga Kurylenko was born on November 14, 1979.
Olga Kurylenko was born on November 14, 1979.
Olga Kurylenko is not publicly associated with a specific religion. She has not discussed her religious beliefs or affiliations in the media.
Olga Kurylenko.
There is no definitive information available in the public domain confirming whether Olga Kurylenko smokes cigarettes. As a private individual, her personal habits may not be widely documented or publicly disclosed. Without concrete evidence or statements from Kurylenko herself, it is not possible to definitively state whether she smokes cigarettes or not.
Olga Kurylenko is a French actress and model. She began her modelling career at age 14, and her acting career at around 26. She is most famous for being a "Bond Girl" in the James Bond movie "Quantum of Solace".
Olga Agibalova's birth name is Olga Yuryevna Agibalova.
Olga Kurylenko
The 'Bond girl' for the film Quantum Of Solace was Olga Kurylenko who played Camille in the film. She was quite unlike any of the 'Bond girls' so far simply for the reason that they never slept together and they only kissed once, at the end of th film.
As an AI language model, I cannot provide real-time information or personal medical details about individuals. However, psoriasis is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by red, itchy, and scaly patches on the skin. If Olga Kurylenko has publicly disclosed her psoriasis diagnosis, it would be best to refer to her official statements or interviews for accurate information.