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Q: Is it legal to fly another country's flag in the US?
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Is it legal to fly a flag from a vehicle?

Yes, it is legal in the US to fly a US, or other flag, from your car. Many people do that.

Why is it legal to burn the US flag but not legal to fly it on a pole by your yard?

It is legal to fly the US flag on a pole in your yard, unless you are somehow doing so in a manner that is disrespectful of it.

Is it legal to fly the Confederate flag in Pennsylvania?

Yes, Its legal to fly it in any state. It's your 1st Amendment right.

Is it legal in the US to fly a Polish flag on car without the US flag?

It is legal to display any flag in the US. This is a matter of freedom of symbolic speech.

Are there any exceptions to another flag to fly above the us flag?

Any flag could, but it would be disrespectful.

Can the vatican flag fly above the American flag?

In the United States, no. It is improper to fly another flag above the US flag in the United States. Other countries have similar customs and rules.

Why does Canada fly a maple leaf flag instead of the US flag?

They fly a different flag, because they are a different country, now if they were the same country, they would fly the the US flag.

Is it illegal to fly a tattered flag?

It is not illegal to fly a tattered flag, but it is considered disrespectful. It is recommended to replace a tattered flag with a new one to show proper respect for the flag and its symbolism.

When is it a bad time to fly a flag?

it is bad to fly a flag when its war, because it just is

Do foreign embassies have to fly the US flag on U.S. soil?

Technically, they are on their own soil, so no, they don't have to fly our flag. Just as our embassies don't fly their flag.

Is it legal to fly the NAZI flag in the US?

Yes. A great number of disgusting, distasteful and unpleasant things are legal in the United States, of which the Nazi flag, the ISIS flag and the Confederate flag are only a few. We have this peculiar custom called "Freedom of Speech", enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution. Are you offended by that? Then don't look.

Which flag did Hilary fly on summit?

British flag