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Currently he is pro life

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Pro life.

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Q: Is chief justice alito pro choice or pro life?
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Chief Justice Report to Who?

The Chief Justice of the United States reports to the President of the United States and Congress in their capacity as the head of the judiciary branch of the government. The Chief Justice also leads the Supreme Court and is responsible for overseeing the administration of the federal court system.

What is the term of US Chief Justice?

This is a life-time appointment as is the case for all federal judges.

How is the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court chosen?

Well, when it comes to choosing the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, it's a bit like painting a happy little tree. The President nominates a candidate, and then the Senate votes to confirm them. It's a peaceful process that ensures our highest court is led by someone who can guide and inspire the other justices. Just like adding a touch of titanium white to a beautiful mountain scene, the Chief Justice brings balance and harmony to the court.

What is the length of term of a chief of justice?

At the Federal Court Level they are appointed for life. At the State level it depends entirely upon the states rules.

Who were the justices in the 5-4 Graham v Florida decision about juvenile sentencing in May 2010?

Graham v. Florida, 560 US __ (2010)(08-7412)The vote in Graham, holding juveniles tried as adults for non-homicide crimes cannot be sentenced to life without possibility of parole, was actually 6-3, with Chief Justice John Roberts concurring in judgment only.MajorityJustice John Paul StevensJustice Ruth Bader GinsbergJustice Anthony Kennedy (wrote opinion of the Court)Justice Stephen BreyerJustice Sonia SotomayorChief Justice John Roberts, Jr. (concurring in judgment only)DissentingJustice Antonin ScaliaJustice Clarence ThomasJustice Samuel Alito

What has the author Ernest Hartley Coleridge written?

Ernest Hartley Coleridge has written: 'Poems' 'Life and correspondence of John Duke' 'Life & correspondence of John Duke Lord Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice of England'

In the federal system who are the justices?

Eight members of the United States Supreme Court have the title of Associate Justice, and one more (currently John Roberts) has the title of Chief Justice. The justices are appointed for life, and retain the title even if they resign or retire.

Federal justice serve how many years?

The federal Justice serves for life. Almost any king of justice serves for life... :)

What are some famous quotes from the US Supreme Court case Gibbons v. Ogden?

"Commerce power" includes not only the exchange of goods but also all commercial intercourse, and it comprehends navigation within its scope. - Chief Justice John Marshall The authority of Congress extends to every part of the Union and to all subjects over which the Constitution grants it power. - Chief Justice John Marshall The Constitution grants to Congress the power to regulate commerce, not to create it. - Chief Justice John Marshall

How old must the chief justice be?

There is currently no age requirement mandating retirement of Supreme Court justices, including the Chief Justice, although Congress has entertained legislation hoping to encourage earlier retirement in the past. Their efforts are hampered by a constitutional provision of Article III that says justices shall "hold their offices during good behavior," which prevents Congress from mandating retirement unless the justice becomes mentally incapacitated. Some states require their supreme court justices retire at a certain age, which varies by state.

Why have there been so few Supreme Court Chief Justices compared with US Presidents?

US Presidents are currently limited to two four-year terms of office, requiring a change of administration every four-to-eight years. Chief Justices of the Supreme Court are commissioned for life, per Article III of the Constitution, and may serve a long tenure in office. Chief Justice John Marshall presided over the Supreme Court for 34 years. More recently, Chief Justice William Rehnquist lead the Court for 19 years. For more information, see Related Questions, below.

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Every thing we do is not our choice. it is our illusion.