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SBA loans are vetted for use by small business. The association may be a small business, but the purpose of the loan should be to expand and grow the business, which is not a goal of an association in a common interest community.

If the association needs money and wants to take out a loan, there are banks that will loan money to associations, based on the association's ability to collect assessments from owners.

Best practices dictate that the board sit down with a banker to discuss loan options.

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11mo ago

No, a unit of a condo association does not have the authority to secure a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. SBA loans are typically available to individual businesses, and not to individual condo unit owners or associations. It is important to consult with a financial professional or lender to determine the best financing options for the condo association.

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Q: Is a unit of a condo association able to secure a SBA loan if association rents out property?
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