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depends if they are green or blue.

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Yes, a child born in the United States is considered a citizen regardless of the Immigration status of their parents. This is known as birthright citizenship and is enshrined in the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution.

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Q: Is a child born in the US a citizen if both the parents are illegal aliens?
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Is a child born in the United Kingdom of illegal aliens a citizen of the UK?

Both of you will be deported

If two illegal aliens come to the US and have a child is that child legal?

YES- anyone born in the US is a citizen Yes. The child is legal, but the parents are not. They can be deported and separated from the child, or just move back to where they came from with the child.

What happen to illegal aliens daughter if filed divorce with US citizen?

If an undocumented (illegal) immigrant is married to a U.S. citizen, then they are a U.S. citizen. So their divorce from another U.S. citizen won't affect the status of their child at all.

Can a us citizen become legal guardian to a us child whose parents are illegal?

An illegal alien cannot become a child's guardian. A guardian is someone who is legally allowed to look after a child and lives in a particular country legally.

Is there a law that allows an illegal immigrant to stay in the US to care for a citizen such as an illegal immigrant's child that is a US citizen?

yes i think there is a law and that if the child was born in American then he has the right to file for who so ever he needs and the government sould be careful about the laws

Is a child born in Canada with both parents Canadians who were adopted at one year by a USA couple a Canadian citizen?

Good question. At one time the USA supported dual citizenship but not anymore. I was born in West Germany by American parents and have this designation. I would speak to the Canadian consulate and ask about this. I would think that a child born in Canada would be a Canadian citizen irregardless of the fact they were adopted. Same goes for illegal aliens in the US. They may be here illegally yet if their child is born in the states becomes an automatic US citizen.

Do illegal immigrants parents have to be naturalized before their children become citizens?

Children can be citizens on their own. For example- illegal alien gives birth in the U.S., the illegal mother is still illegal but the child would be a U.S. citizen.

Are children with parents with no papers US citizens?

As per the current US Immigration Law, If the child is born in the US, then it will be considered to be a US citizen, irrespective of the illegal status of its parents.

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If illegal immigrants have a child born in the US are the parents also citizens of the US?

No. Having a child in the United States does NOT affect the parent's immigration status. Once the child is 21, that child can petition for the parent to be given a green card, but the mere fact of an illegal having children who are US citizens does not confer any change in immigration status for that illegal alien. Thus, the illegal alien parent can easily be deported. The child may also be forced to leave with the illegal parent, but this depends entirely on the circumstances. Even if the US citizen child does leave with the illegal parent, that does not affect the citizenship of the child.

If both parents are Israeli citizens and the child is born overseas is the child a Israeli citizen?

Yes. In fact, even if only one of the parents is Israeli then the child is considered an Israeli citizen.

Does an illegal alien woman become an American citizen by birthing an American baby?

No. A baby born in the USA is automatically a citizen, but the mother is still illegal.