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TRUE. A characteristic of an asset is that it is tangible, which means they have a physical substance.An item with a physical substance is considered to be an asset if: * It is probable that the items future economic benefits will flow to the entity; and * the cost of the item can be measured reliably

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Q: Intangible assets are not listed on the balance sheet because they do not have physical substance true or false?
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Intangible. Services are innately intangible because no physical asset is produced. While a tattoo may be considered tangible (since there is something to see once the service is completed), tattooing falls into the same group of services as: * Manicures * Hair Styling * Spa Treatments And all of the above services are considered intangible, despite any physical results.

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it would be physical change because physical change is when the substance stays the same

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It is a physical change. In physical changes, the substance's physical properties change (such as shape or state), but the chemical composition remains the same.

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Is Goodwill an Intangible asset?

No, technically goodwill is put under the category of assets because there is no expiration date for goodwill, however, it represents no assets that can be quantified, it is the amount in excess of bookvalue that the company paid when acquiring another firm

Is melting physical or chemical changes?

Physical change because no new substance is created.

Why is physical balance used in laboratories instead of beam balance?

Physical balance is used in laboratories instead of beam balance because physical balance is more accurate and sensitive in measuring small quantities of substances. It also provides quicker and more precise results compared to a beam balance, making it ideal for scientific research and experiments where precision is key. Additionally, physical balance is easier to calibrate and maintain, ensuring consistent and reliable measurements.

Is boils a physical or chemical property?

Boils are a physical property, specifically a measuring physical property of a substance. Boiling point is the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas at a given pressure.

Is diluting A physical or chemical change?

Diluting a substance is a physical change because it does not alter the chemical composition of the substance. It simply involves mixing the substance with another (usually a solvent) to decrease its concentration.