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Wabash v. Illinois

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Q: In which Supreme Court decision did the court rule that a state could not regulate railroad rates because the railroad carried freight across state lines?
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Which Supreme Court decision did the court rule that a state could not regulate railroad rates because the railroad carried freight across state lines?

Wabash v. Illinois

What was the supreme court case that overturned the munn V. Illinois?

The Supreme Court case that overturned Munn v. Illinois was Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Co. v. Illinois (1886). In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that states could not regulate rates for interstate railroad traffic because it violated the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, which grants Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce. This decision limited the ability of states to regulate certain aspects of interstate commerce.

How did a supreme court decision inflame passions?

Because they disagree with it.

What was the reasoning behind the Supreme Court's decision in Marbury v Madison?

Does the supreme court have the power to invalidate an act of congress because it violates the constitution.

The Supreme Court decision in the case Marbury v. Madison is important because?

It allowed the Supreme Court to overrule an unconstitutional law.

Why were abolitionist angered by the Dred Scott decision?

Because the decision showed that the Supreme Court didn't think that any State could outlaw slavery.

How can a state be forced to follow a Supreme Court decision with which it disagrees?

Just because the state doesn't agree, if the US Supreme Court renders a decision in your favor the state must comply! There is no higher court than the US Supreme Court - the state cannot file an appeal.

What historic supreme court decision sparked the conflict?

Unfortunately, I cannot answer your question because you did not specify which conflict.

Was the abolition of slavery a US Supreme Court decision?

No. Slavery was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in a joint effort between Congress and the states that ratified the amendment. A constitutional amendment is more powerful than a US Supreme Court decision, because it is not subject to change by the Supreme Court.

The United States Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott v Sandford 1857 was important because it-?

The United States Supreme Court decision in the DDred Scott v. Sandford (1857 was important because it helped strengthen the determination of abolitionists to realize their goals.

What was the decision that strengthened the supreme court because i t asserted the courts right of judicial review?

Marbury vs. Madison

The Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v Sandford 1857 helped to increase sectional conflict because the decision-?

The Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857 worsened sectional conflict by declaring that African Americans, whether enslaved or free, were not citizens and could not sue in the federal courts. This decision further entrenched divisions between the North and South over the issue of slavery and fed into the growing tensions that eventually led to the Civil War.