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in what year did the house of representative have 435 members?

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Q: In what year was the US House of Representative capped at 435 members?
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How long do you elect each House Representative?

House members serve a two year term

What is term for House members?

Six years.Six years.

Length to be us representative?

Article I of the constitution provides "The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year..."

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the term is 2 years and can serve for life.

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Utah has three members in the House of Representatives. Each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district.

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State Representatives serve a two year term with no limits according to the Illinois House of Representatives.

What is the length of term for a state represenative?

I believe two years. In Michigan, a State Representative can be in office up to 3 terms of 2 years each for a total of 6 years.

How long do they serve in the house of representatives?

you serve in the house of represenatives for 2 years

How long is a member of the house of representative elected for?

Representatives are elected to a two year term of office.The Representatives are elected for two years with a maximum of four consecutive terms.two year term

How many year is a representative?

U.S. Representative to the House of Representatves are elected for 2-year terms. The number of terms they can serve is unlimited.

The Virginia House of Burgesses became representative in what year?

In 1619.

How often the house of representatives stand for elections?

Members of the House of Representatives in the United States are elected every two years. Each representative serves a term of two years before they are up for reelection again. This allows for a more frequent turnover of representatives compared to the Senate, where members serve six-year terms.