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The supreme court can't make laws since that is the role of the legislature. Nor can it execute laws.

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Q: In what ways is the Supreme Court power limted?
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What ways did the supreme court boost federal power?

they did not they just said f**k federal power

What statement best completes the diagram of the ways the different branches of government can limit each bother's power?

can purpose amendments to the constitution to overturn a supreme court decision

How can the president check the power of the Supreme Court and the congress?

Congress has the ability to overrule the President's veto power with a 2/3 majority vote. Furthermore, Congress has the power to impeach the President, and must confirm the President's choices (i.e. appointment of the Supreme Court, etc.). Congress checks the Supreme Court in a few ways as well. First of all, it has to confirm the President's appointments of Supreme Court judges. It also has the power, once again, of impeachment, and has the ability to amend the Constitution.

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Why can amendments to the Constitution negate Supreme Court decisions?

The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, which all government officials swear to uphold. Supreme Court decisions are subordinate to constitutional amendments, and represent one of the few ways a Supreme Court decision can be changed.

What 3 ways have supreme court duties grown?

amendments, disputes and new laws

What are ways that the supreme Court can check the president?

Selects judges

In what ways was Jesus the supreme authority?

He was the supreme authority in the things he said, and in His miracles. He said power has been given to me from my Father.

What are facts that show that Parthenon is much older than the supreme court?

There are actually many facts that point to the Parthenon's obvious age over the Supreme Court, but I will name five here.1. The Parthenon was built by the Greeks. This is an obvious one. The Supreme Court wasn't built until 1935.2. The Parthenon has been worn down a bit by time. The Supreme Court? Not so much.3. The Supreme Court was based on the structure of the Parthenon, not the other way around.4. The Parthenon is more open-air, in some ways, than the Supreme Court.5. The Parthenon has Greek statues of gods and goddesses, whereas the Supreme Court does not.

When has a state Supreme Court overturned the US Supreme Court?

The US Supreme Court has the authority to overturn a precedent in any case under their review, if they feel the precedent no longer applies to current social and legal circumstances. They can also ignore precedents if they feel a case creates an exception to the rule, for whatever reason.

How are Ancient Greece and the Supreme Court related?

Many aspects of Western government and the legal system are based on the practices of Ancient Greece. The Law Courts of ancient Athens functioned in ways very similar to the U.S. Supreme Court.

What are some ways that the legislative branch or executive branch can get around a law that the supreme court has found unconstitutional?

by walking around it