The primary accent in the word "nominee" is on the second syllable, "no-MI-nee".
The primary accent in the word "heterosexual" is on the third syllable, "ro."
The primary accent in the word "tentative" is on the second syllable - "ten-ta-tive."
The primary accent in the word "comparable" falls on the second syllable, pronounced as "com-PAR-a-ble."
The primary accent in the word "procrastinate" falls on the third syllable: pro-CRAS-ti-nate.
In the word "cranny," the primary accent falls on the first syllable "cran."
The primary accent of the word "facsimile" is on the first syllable: FAC-si-mile.
The primary accent in the word "facsimile" falls on the second syllable: fac-SIM-ile.
The first syllable of the word "posthumous" (i.e., "pos") is stressed.
The primary accent in the word "lacerate" falls on the second syllable, "cer." It is pronounced as lăs-uh-reyt.
The primary accent in the word "selective" is on the second syllable, so it is pronounced "sə-LEK-tiv."