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In all states but Nebraska and Maine, the winner of the popular vote gets all of that state's electoral votes. (Technically, the slate of electors pledged to the winning candidate is elected by the popular vote and these people go on to cast the state's electoral vote. )

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In most states, the winner of the popular vote gets all of the electoral votes too.

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In most states the winner of the popular vote get?

In all states but Nebraska and Maine, the winner of the popular vote gets all of that state's electoral votes. (Technically, the slate of electors pledged to the winning candidate is elected by the popular vote and these people go on to cast the state's electoral vote. )

How do most states decide the winner of their electoral votes?

By popular vote.

Winner takes all?

"winner-take-all" refers to the prevailing custom that states use to allocate electoral votes. The electors run as a slate and the presidential candidate with the most popular votes gets all of his electors elected and so gets all of the states electoral votes even if he won by only a narrow margin.

Which states are winner take all in primary elections?


Does primary winner get all electoral votes?

In most states, the winner of the popular vote receives all of the electoral votes. However, two states, Nebraska and Maine, allocate their electoral votes proportionally based on the winner of each congressional district and the state's overall popular vote.

Do A Presidential candidate who gets the most votes in any state gets all that state's electoral votes.?

Since the election of 1824, most states have appointed their electors on a winner-take-all basis, based on the statewide popular vote on Election Day. Maine and Nebraska are the only two current exceptions, as both states use the congressional district method. In a winner-take-all state, all of the state's Electoral votes go to whichever candidate receives a majority of the popular vote, or a plurality of the popular vote (less than 50 percent but more than any other candidate). Maine and Nebraska use the "congressional district method", selecting one elector within each congressional district by popular vote and awarding two electors by a statewide popular vote.

In congressional elections if no candidate wins a majority of the popular votes most states will hold an election?

No, most states just declare the person with the plurality of votes (more than anyone else, but not necessarily a majority) the winner. In Louisiana, however, if no one gets a majority of the votes, there is a "run-off election" between the two candidates with the highest and second-highest vote totals.

How are the electoral votes in a astate distributed once the people cast their popular vote?

In Nebraska and Maine, whoever gets the most popular votes in each congressional district gets one vote. The other two votes per state go to whoever gets the most popular votes in the whole state. In each of the other 48 states and in D.C., whoever gets the most popular votes gets 100% of the electoral votes.

How does a candidate win electoral votes?

The candidate who gets the most popular votes wins that state's electoral votes in every state but Maine and Nebraska. In these states, the winner of each congressional district in the state gets one vote and the other two go to the overall winner. Winning the popular vote is a matter of convincing the voters in that state that you will do more them than will your opponent to deal with the matters that concern them. A position that wins votes in one state may lose votes in another, so campaign strategists try to figure out what positions will produce the most electoral votes.

The most widely supported plan for reform of the electoral college is the what?

direct popular election plan

What statement about the electoral college and the electoral process is most accurate?

It ensures that small staes have a voice in choosing the president. I know this because I just did it, in Apex.

If a candidate claims 80 percent of the popular vote in a state then how many electoral votes will heshe receive?

It depends on the state. Most have a winner-take-all approach, where whoever wins gets all the electoral votes. A few states can split their electoral votes, depending on who wins in each district.