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because the Price is Right

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Q: In a long run situation what is economic profit if the profit maximizing point is 5 and the price is 8?
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What is the profit maximizing decision a perfectly competitive firm makes in the short run and explain why this firm can make profits in the short run but not in the long run?

A perfectly competitive firm maximizes profit in the short run by producing the quantity where marginal cost equals marginal revenue. In the short run, firms can make profits due to price fluctuations and temporary market conditions, but in the long run, new firms can easily enter the market, increasing competition and driving down prices to the point where economic profits are reduced to zero.

The price charged by a profit-maximizing monopolist occurs at?

the point where the marginal cost curve intersects the marginal revenue curve

How do you achieve the profit maximizing price?

Let the demand facing a firm for its product be expressed by the following functions Q=25-0.5P Where Q=quantity and P=price, and cost function as C=25-2Q+4Q2 Compute a) Profit maximizing output, b) Justify profit maximizing output

Until when does a profit maximizing firm use additional units of resources for production?

Until it reaches the point of diminishing returns. After that point, one additional unit of resources cannot be used profitably.

What are a firms profit at the break-even point?

Break Even Point: It is the point where firm's at no profit no loss situation/position that's why it is called break-even point. So at this point firms has no profit no loss and it is the point where firm's able to achieved all expenses of operation and after this point whatever sales made by firm goes to profit of company.

What is the Difference between Normal profit and Economic Profit?

In economics, normal profit is often called the break-even point. It is the level of profit where all of the costs of your business, including the salary of the CEO, are covered. When a firm has normal profit but not economic profit, the total revenue of the firm equals the total cost of the firm. However, if a firm has economic profit, total revenue is higher than total cost.

How are the principles of allocation different for profit and not-for-profit organizations?

Profit organizations allocate resources based on maximizing profits and returns for shareholders, while not-for-profit organizations allocate resources towards achieving their mission or societal goals. Profit organizations focus on financial sustainability and growth, while not-for-profit organizations prioritize impact and social benefits. Profit organizations may also distribute profits to shareholders, whereas not-for-profit organizations reinvest any surplus into furthering their mission.

What is the point of reusing?

Waste reduction. Maximizing available supply fossil fuels.

What is the term for the point at which supply and demand are exacly equal?

This would be having exactly enough, but not too much of the product in demand. So you would be maximizing profit!

What is firm equilibrium?

Firm equilibrium refers to a situation where a firm achieves a balance between its costs and revenues, maximizing profits. This is attained when the firm produces the level of output where marginal cost equals marginal revenue. It represents the point of optimization for the firm.

If a firm can maximize its profit by producing output where price is equal to its marginal cost in which type of market is the firm operating?

The firm is operating in Perfect markets. In perfect markets (Perfect competitions), the firm can maximize its profit when its MC is equal with its MR. And in perfect markets, usually the following condition is true: (MR = AR = P). So, in equilibrium which is also the profit maximizing point for a firm, the following condition is a must: MR = AR = P = MC.

What importance are average cost and marginal cost in economic analysis?

Average cost: determines the accounting profit maximisation and minimal point where the firm can remain profitable. Marginal cost: determines economic profit maximisation and minimal 'shut-down' point where the firm should still operate, even if at an accounting loss. Note: Average cost (AC) and marginal cost (MC) are related. The rate of change of AC is always positive when MC is positive.