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All that Joan of Arc was able to accomplish at such a young age is unparalleled in history. Only 17 when she was put in command of the French army, she is the youngest person to ever command the armies of a nation. In only a couple of months she was able to completely reverse a war that had been going on for almost 100 years that the French were about to lose. The victories she won at Orleans and Patay are considered among the greatest in all of history. Add to all of this her prophetic ability that was always correct, her personal devotion to God and commitment to purity and it is a story that can only be described as incredible

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11y ago

1.) Born on January 6, 1412, at Greux-Domremy, Lorraine, France

2.) In May 1428 Joan had visions that told her to find the true king of France and help him reclaim his throne from the British.

3.) Her military victories from February 23, 1429, to May 23, 1430, brought Charles VII to the throne.

4.) In 1431 she was tried as a heretic by a bishop who was a supporter of the British. She was found guilty and order to be burned at the stake.

5.) Joan was burned alive on May 30, 1431, at Rouen, France.

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13y ago

1.) Born on January 6, 1412, at Greux-Domremy, Lorraine, France

2.) In May 1428 Joan had visions that told her to find the true king of France and help him reclaim his throne from the British.

3.) Her military victories from February 23, 1429, to May 23, 1430, brought Charles VII to the throne.

4.) In 1431 she was tried as a heretic by a bishop who was a supporter of the British. She was found guilty and order to be burned at the stake.

5.) Joan was burned alive on May 30, 1431, at Rouen, France.

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hundred years war

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The Hundred Years War.

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What is the book Joan of Arc about?

The book is about the life and exploits of Saint Joan of Arc.

Were there any important religious events in the 15th century?

Yes, there were some important religious events in the 15th century. The Catholic University at Leuven was opened and Joan of Arc was burned at the stake during this century.

Where did Joan of Arc spend most of her life?

Joan lived and died in France.

Why is it important to know about Joan of Arc?

Roman Catholic AnswerPersonally, I think the most important thing to learn from Joan of Arc is that no matter where you are in life, your age, your education, whatever, you be and do great things if you depend entirely upon God, putting all your trust in Him. Remember, the only important thing that we do in life is to do God's Will and to get to heaven, everything else in this life pales in comparision to that.

What was Saint Joan of Arc's life before Christianity?

There wasn't. Joan of Arc was born to a Christian Family, she was baptized as an infant and remained a devout Catholic her entire life.

How did Joan of Arc help women?

Joan of Arc defied the gender conventions of her day. She fought in battles and dressed as a man. These facts were later used in her trial, and lead to her being burned at the stake.

How did Joan of Arc get her name in association with Arc?

Her father Jacques d'Arc. After the events of the Hundred Years War the title d'Arc was passed on to her.

When was Joan of Arc a Catholic?

Joan was born a Catholic and remained a devout Catholic her entire life.

Was Joan of Arc a tart?

No, Joan of Arc was not a 'tart.'

Who was Saint Joan of Arc?

Joan of Arc named three Saints that guided her during her life: Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine.

Is Joan Of Arc important?

.Catholic AnswerIndeed, yes, every single person in the world is important in God's eyes - and that is the only real importance that we have, as it certainly is the only real importance we will have when we are dead. More than that, Joan of Arc loved God and anyone who loves Our Lord above all, and follows His Will will do the greatest things in life, as St. Joan showed.

Is there a special day named after Joan of Arc?

Joan of Arc Day (the feast of Joan of Arc) is on May 30.