Will my hair grow back after having a boil on my head
yes your hair will grow backwill grow back.
head does not grow back Yes it will. Shaving hair does not stop regrowth.
it does grow on the sides and back of your head it is just underneath the hair from the top of your head :)
head massage,hair mask and vitamins
Yeah. It's the same as if you shaved your head & had black hair. It would grow back black.
maybe not If not over a prolonged length of time then it will grow back.
Your hair will grow back at the normal rate it always grows at, provided you aren't balding.
Hair grows back one way or another. Skin cells in the head will produce the material which sprouts out as hair. If the scalp was burnt and it was scarred your hair may not grow back though. The hair follicles would have been damaged. But if your hair just got burnt it will grow back.