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This would be the best case scenario for your credit report, but it does not happen automatically.

Hopefully, your bankruptcy attorney was diligent about informing all creditors included that their debts were discharged. If not, and you still have derogatory information showing that was included and discharged in a bankruptcy; then you need to send letters of dispute to the creditors and the credit bureaus. Follow up to make certain that nothing shows on your credit report except for the legal entry of bankruptcy, its disposition (the discharge) and all trade lines have no negative information except for the "included in..." or "discharged through..." notation.

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Q: If you file bankruptcy does that mean that the payment history on your accounts is not supposed to show anymore?
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How long does a bankruptcy show on your credit?

Bankruptcy will always be on your credit scoring record. After the bankruptcy is discharged it will have a less negative effect, and then after 6 years it is supposed to be considered done with and you get get a mortgage, loans etc. However, having a bankruptcy on your record will always have some negative effect even after the 6 years are up. Bankruptcies are maintained on a credit report for at least 10 years.

Does filing bankruptcy remove bad marks from your credit report?

No. What will happen is all the defaulted accounts listed in the bankruptcy will be marked as such.."included in bankruptcy". The credit history, late payments, judgments, etc. will remain the same. In addition to the scenario in the above answer: The bankruptcy filing itself will be listed in the "public records" portion of your credit report. The disposition needs to be listed also (the discharge). The "bad marks" (i.e., the accounts) will show on your credit for 7 years. The bankruptcy listing will show for 7 years for a completed and discharged Chapter 13 bankruptcy and 10 years for a discharged Chapter 7.

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Joint accounts are included in an individual bankruptcy claim. Just how much of the value of the joint account is considered as your asset depends on history of the account, the type of account, and statutory details for certain types of assets / debts.

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In business, accounts are a history of transactions. In life in general, accounts are a history of events.

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F. Regis Noel has written: 'A history of the bankruptcy law' -- subject(s): Bankruptcy

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If the mortgage was reaffirmed but on your credit report it appears as Bankruptcy is this an error?

Yes, a reaffirmed mortgage needs to reflect the mortgage payment history before, during and after the bankruptcy proceedings. "In Bankruptcy" needs to portray only DISCHARGED BY or INCLUDED IN...Bankruptcy. Contact your mortgage company so that all of your payment history shows on all three bureaus. No. Not if it were a part of the bankruptcy filing. It may or may not be marked included in bankruptcy or reaffirmed in bankrutpcy. It will still remain on the CR for the prescribed time.

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No. Sometimes it will be reported as "Included in Bankruptcy"

Can a company file bankruptcy to get out of a settlement or lawsuit?

Yes. History is full of examples.

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