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If she was married to a United States citizen than yes but if she wasn't no, only her child would be entitled with U.S. citizenship.

A woman is NOT entitled to US citizenship simply because she gives birth in the US whether she is married to a citizen or not.

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Q: If a woman who is not a United States citizen gives birth in the United States would this entitle her and her child both with United States citizenship?
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Barack Obama is a citizen of only the United States, and has never held another citizenship instead or in addition to United States citizenship.

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In the United States, you need to be a natural-born citizen to be president. This means you must have been born in the country or have obtained citizenship through one of your parents who is a U.S. citizen.

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You have to take the United States Citizenship test. The test is given by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

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No, she is not. She will be allowed to remain in the US with her spouse and children, but she will have to apply for citizenship separate from her marriage. The US citizen REMAINS a US citizen. The immigrant remains an immigrant and must follow the legal path to resident immigrant status, and from there to citizenship. Marriage is not a free pass to residency or citizenship.

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Barack Obama was born in the State of Hawai'i. By definition, anyone who is born on American soil is an American citizen. He is a citizen of only the United States, and has never held another citizenship instead or in addition to United States citizenship.

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Depends if you are also born in the United States. Check with the United States Citizenship and Immigration.

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If your birth certificate was filed in the United States of America then you are automatically an American citizen. If you also claim citizenship with another country, the United States government asks that you choose your citizenship to one or the other.

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You can be born in the United States and become an automatic citizen. Or you can immigrate to the United States and apply for citizenship after living in the US for seven years.

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The United States Government does not recognized "dual citizenship". The government puts people in 2 categories: 1. U.S. citzens 2. Aliens

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Yes, he's got dual citizenship in Canada and the United States.

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