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Q: If a patient has Medicaid coverage benefits and other health insurance coverage Medicaid would be primary or secondary?
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When is another insurance secondary to Medicaid?

Never. Medicaid is always the payor of last resort after any and all other coverage, including Medicare.

Can you drop medical coverage for your dependent children when they obtain state Medicaid coverage?

When a non custodial parent is ordered by the court to pay medical coverage, and the custodial parent applies for Medicaid that does not mean that the dependent child's medical coverage can be terminated by the non custodial parent. The ordered insurance becomes the primary insurance, and Medicaid becomes the secondary.

Does medicaid require another insurance?

No, Medicaid does not require another insurance. Medicaid is a government-funded program that provides health coverage for low-income individuals and families who meet certain eligibility criteria. If you are eligible for Medicaid, you do not need to have any other insurance coverage.

If primary insurance denies coverage and you have secondary who is responsible to pay the bill?

== == If secondary insurance denies coverage, YOU get to pay the bill. == ==

What is meant by primary and secondary insurance coverage?

Primary insurance coverage is what is first used when a medical service is being rendered. This is what will be billed first. Secondary insurance is supposed to cover what the primary insurance does not.

can a newborn get individual coverage instead of applying for medicaid?

A newborn should be able to get individual coverage instead of medicaid. It just depends on the insurance company you want to work with to see exactly what kind of coverage is available for the child.

If your family is on Medicaid can you refuse insurance through your job?

No - Medicaid (and the taxpayers) expect you to apply for any and all alternative means of coverage. Having other insurance won't make you ineligible for Medicaid, but you need to tell your caseworker so that providers will know to bill the other insurance first, then Medicaid.

Can someone claim medicare or medicaid if currently under medical coverage?

Having private insurance does not make one ineligible for Medicaid or Medicare.

Does secondary private insurance pay what primary private insurance will not pay?

Yes, if the secondary insurance plan covers it In the pharmacy (drugs) world of primary and secondary coverage, this is true.

What are some of the benefits offered by Aenta Medical Insurance?

Some of the benefits offered by the Aetna Medical Insurance include dental insurance coverage in certain states and coverage for prescription drugs. You also have coverage for hospital and specialist care.

What are some benefits of having a Health Net insurance?

There are several benefits of having Health Net Insurance. Some of these benefits include emergency health coverage, coverage of newborns, prescription drug coverage, and adult and child preventative care.

What does sbc stand for in health insurance?

Summary of Benefits and Coverage