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Basically, if Cost of Goods Sold increases, Profit will decrease unless the company/business increases how much they charge for the item and/or service.

For example, if it originally cost a company $100 to make a computer that sold for $200, the profit margin is around $100. However if that cost of goods rises to say $150 and the company still on charges $200 for the product, then the profit margin is now only around $50. That is a crude and very unlikely scenario, but I hope it help explain what I was trying to say.

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11mo ago

If the Cost of Goods Sold increases, the Gross Margin will decrease. Gross Margin is calculated by deducting the Cost of Goods Sold from the total revenue. Therefore, an increase in the Cost of Goods Sold would result in a smaller difference between revenue and expenses, leading to a lower Gross Margin.

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Q: If Cost of Goods Sold increase what happends to gross margin?
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Gross profit or gross margin is equal to:Sales less: Costs of Goods Sold

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You must subtract the cost of goods sold from the net sales to get the gross margin (same as gross profit)

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The Gross Profit Margin is an expression of the Gross Profit as a percentage of Revenue. Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit/Revenue*100 [or] Gross Profit Margin = Revenue - (Cost of Sales)/Revenue*100 Cost of sales=it include all those expenses and income that will occur during manaufacturing and sales of goods and services

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Gross profit or gross margin is equal to:Sales less: Costs of Goods SoldIt can be expressed as a numerical value or as a percentage of sales [(Sales-COS)/Sales].

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the excess of the net sales revenue over the cost of goods sold.

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Could be anything, 40 is gross profit after costs of goods sold is deducted.

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Cost of goods plus gross profit margin equals to total sales revenue of firm.

Why a business may not ahieve its targeted gross margin?

Cost of goods sold may have been higher than expected or sales prices may have been lower than expected. Remember the Gross margin is sales less cost of goods sold. Say $100-$50=$50 gross margin (50%). If they only sell for $90 instead of $100 the margin would be $90-$50=$40. Or if costs were higher you might have ended up with $100-$60=$40. Either one would reduce the gross margin.