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2010 will continue to be the year of the NCO. Noncommissioned officers are the backbone of Western militaries.

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Q: If 2009 was the year of the NCO what is 2010?
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This year?

This year is 2009. Next year is 2010.

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The results of nco second level will be declared on 28 february, 2010

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10 October

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The Gosselin's 2009-2010 school year started at the end of August.

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2009 is the year of the ox, 2010 is year of the tiger.

Where can you get 2009 nco question paper?

by any senior who has given the exam

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7-8 weeks after exam

Is there a 2010 g6?

No, 2009 was the final year for the G6

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