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D. all of the above

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Q: IS-120a Exercises can be used to?
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What is a Weslo Elliptical used for?

Weslo Ellipticals are used for total body fitness exercises. By doing bicycling exercises with your legs, you are toning and firming the muscles. Your arms can do rowing exercises.

What exercises are used in the Fitnessgram?

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Exercises at the beginning of class are used for what reason?

Exercises at the beginning of class help get oxygenated blood to the brain.

What exercises can Bowflex adjustable dumbbells be used for?

There are many exercises that someone who wants to exercise can do with Bowflex adjustable dumbbells. Some of the exercises with the dumbbells are curls and lunges.

What is the trademark of exercises used in holistic medicine?


Where can you find speed exercises for typing online?

You can find a lot of speed exercises for typing at school. Many schools provide speed typing exercises. Some exercises include games and trials to help practice and help get used to the keyboard.

How are meditation and mind exercises used in qigong?

Meditations and mind exercises are used to enhance the mind and move qi throughout the body. These exercises are often visualizations that focus on different body parts, words, ideas, objects, or energy flowing along the meridians.

What are some things to do in Iraq?

exercises, exercises, exercises, and um... exercises

What is used by the body generate ATP when it exercises for longer for 90 seconds?

Pyruvate is used to generate ATP

In what type of exercise can ATP be used?

ATP is most used in high intensity, short duration exercises (under 30 secs), such as sprinting. Also, since most of your weight lifting sets are under 30 secs, most weight lifting exercises would be included. With the exception of circuit training, or exercises in which very short rest periods are used.

What are some exercises a person can perform on a Bowflex home gym?

The Bowflex is an exercise machine used for building strength and muscle. Being flexible it can be used for a variety of exercises. It can be most useful for building upper body strength.

What is the purpose of balance exercises?

Balance exercises are used to improve stability. They stimulate the vestibular system, which includes muscles, joints, sensory organs, the inner ear, and the brain.