A person in the Navy is called a sailor.
A Seaman is the correct informal term for a Navy officer. Informal term for a sailor in the US Navy is "bluejacket".
The US Navy.
David Dean Davis
Yeah, sure, as long as he uses a condom.
If you have the name, you can contact the Veterans Administration. They can assist you in locating the next of kin. Of course, a good search on the internet can often find a contact name for an individual.
"Rate" refers to a non commissioned member of the US Navy.
The generic term for individuals in the Navy is sailor. As of the end of August, 2007, the approximate total of Navy personnel (officer and enlisted) was around 338,000.
If a US Sailor believes that Kamikaze's were not effective during WWII, then the odd's are good, that that sailor was never aboard a US Warship, when it was hit by a "Kamakazi." The US Navy has already stated on record; that the kamakazi's were the greatest threat to the US Navy during WWII.
The US Navy SEALS is a Special Operations Group of the US Navy
Not sure but I would think the NAVY
The SEALs are a part of the US Navy. They use the same ranks as the Navy, enlisted personnel would be petty officers and chief petty officers. The Officer ranks would go from Ensign to Captain.