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Increases are only given yearly. For the average cost of living expenses. You need to call your rep.

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Q: How would you calulate your increase on social security If you are already receiving it and also working?
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If you receiving social security and are fired can you receive unemployment benefits?

If you are already receiving social security and are fired can you receive unemployment benefits?

Can you opt out of social security benefits if you are already receiving them?

Getting social security isn't automatic and you have to file for them with the social security administration. So, just don't file.

If you turn 65 and begin getting social security retirement benefits does that decrease your spouses social security retirement check that he has already been getting?

No the social security payment amount that you are qualified to receive will not have any affect on the amount of your spouses payment amount that he is already receiving

If someone is already receiving unemployment, will they receive the increase proposed by the 2020 corona virus relief bill.?

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Does a parent on social security disability still have to pay child support payments even if that child is receiving benefits from social security?

The order needs to be modified to the amount already being received. see link

Can an attorney help with Medicaid application?

If you are applying for Medicaid on the basis of disability and you are not already receiving Social Security disability (RSDI or SSI), you might want to hire an attorney who specializes in Social Security disability. (Medicaid follows the Social Security rules for disability.)

Will Social Security go down if you were on unemployment?

Not if you are already receiving Social Security. If you are still in your earning years, your ultimate benefits my reduce as they take the average of your last 40 quarters of earned income (which does not include unemployment benefits) to determine the benefits you receive.

Can you get earned income credit for kids while receiving disability?

no cause your already receiving credit.

Can you already be receiving disability benefits and get married?

Receiving disability benefits does not make you legally unable to marry.

Do social security recipents pay social security tax?

Presumably the question is about U.S. Social Security taxes. Social Security taxes (commonly referred to as FICA taxes) are taken out of your earnings each time you receive a paycheck. This rule applies even if the employee is already receiving Social Security benefits. However, by continuing to work, future Social Security benefits may be increased to take into account the additional earnings.

Can you still receive unemployment benefits from Michigan if you move to Colorado looking for a job?

If you were already receiving benefits, all you need to do is contact the Michigan employment security office to advise them and to comply with their requirements concerning the move.

Can you receive Social Security benefits when you retire if you already receive veteran disability benefits?

Yes, you can. You served your country and you deserve to reap the benefits from what you worked so hard at. You get your social security benefits to because you contributed to the social security system for your working adult life. Therefore, you receive both benefits.