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through an amendment to the social cecurity act

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Through an amendment to the social security act

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Q: How were the medicare and Medicaid program created?
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To what government organization did the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services delegate the responsibility for administering the Medicare program?

Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services

Are medicare and medicaid benefits the same in mo as in va?

Medicare is a Federal program which is the same nationwide. Re: Medicaid, there are significant variations among the States.

When did lyndon baines johnson help poor people?

In 1964, his Great Society program introduced legislation which created Medicare and Medicaid.

Is Medicare a contributory or noncontributory program?

Medicaid, would be a non-contributory program. That is because people can't afford it, just like food stamps. Medicare is a contributory program.

What agency regulates Medicare billing?

The US Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services regulate the Medicare program, but the paperwork is often outsourced to private contractors.

What are the 800 phone numbers for medicare and medicade?

The Medicare number is 1.800.MEDICARE. Medicaid is a State program; each State has its own contacts.

Should you be entitled Medicare by the governmnt?

"Should" is a matter of opinion. Medicare is not an entitlement program (unlike Medicaid). It is an insurance program funded by payroll taxes on employees and employers.

Who develops the annual plan that outlines medicare program?

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services

Who was president when medicare and Medicaid were created?

Lyndon B Johnson (1965)

Who is the president got medicare and medicaid created?

Lyndon B. Johnson

Johnson's Great Society created what medical programs?

Medicaid and Medicare

Which is the largest entitlement program medicare food stamp social security or medicaid?

Social Security