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i think because he also tryed to help it

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Q: How were the actions taken by President Roosevelt similar to President Johnson?
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The Republican vote was divided between Taft and Roosevelt, which allowed Democrat Woodrow Wilson to win. Similar outcomes occurred in 1992 and 2000.

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Yes, at the appeals and Supreme Court level. The President may hope (as President Roosevelt did) to create a coalition of judges who support his programs, or he (or she) may simply prefer to appoint justices with a similar ideology or worldview.

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Has any us president been sworn in on the koran?

No. Presidents have been sworn in using the Bible or similar book while taking the Oath of Office. John Quincy Adams used a law book, and Theodore Roosevelt did not use a Bible when he succeeded William McKinley in 1901. Lyndon Johnson used a Catholic missal aboard Air Force One after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. There has never been a US president who was a practicing Moslem, so the Koran has never been used to swear in the President.