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Q: How was the bow and arrow changed or evolved over time?
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Managing communication has really changed and evolved over time thanks to technology.

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Muslims believe the Qur'an to be the perfect 'Word' of Allah therefore they would not consider that the Qur'an has evolved but only in the Arabic version. They do not consider any other translation to be perfect and therefore they might well have changed over time.

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The term diachronic is essentially the concern about how something has changed or evolved over a specific amount of time. Most of the time this word is used when referring to the change in language used.

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David and Jamie's relationship evolved over time. Evolve means that something changed gradually. Sometimes when things evolve they are no longer recognizable.

Where did the Oboe get invented at?

The oboe has evolved from the shawm, and over time has changed considerably; In the 1650's the first instrument to be called a "hautbois" appeared in the south of France.

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