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Q: How was The West influential in bringing about the election of what President?
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On The West Wing before Josiah Bartlet became president he was governor of what electorally influential state?

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Election Night - The West Wing - was created on 2002-11-06.

How did the election of Andrew Jackson set a precedent?

Andrew Jackson's election marked a new era in US political power. Jackson was the first president who was not tied to the founding fathers. He was the first president from the western frontier. His election was the first in which the more recent immigrants and settlers of the frontier exerted enough political power to elect a president. Jackson's defeat in 1824 and subsequent election in 1828 marked the beginning of national political parties.

How many electoral votes did West Virginia have in the 2008 election?

West Virginia had 5 electoral votes in the 2008 election; they were cast for John McCain (R).

Who works for the president?

The people that are in The West Wing serve the president.

What state passed the first law providing for the popular election of delegates to the national election?

west Virginia

Who did Andrew Jackson owe his election in 1828 to?

You could say he owed his election to the voters in the West and South , including PA, NY and VA. They were attracted by his status as a war hero and by his humble roots and his life on the frontier. His supporters had control of some newspapers that ran pro-Jackson editorials and articles for the four years that Adams was the president. His running mate, John C. Calhoun from SC helped him get votes in the South and Martin Van Buren deserves much credit for bringing New York into the Jackson column.

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it became less.

Was Frederick Douglass violent or non violent?

No, Fredric Douglas was not violent. He wanted peace but in the election of 1860, he ran for president hopeing to win for he was going to let the west states vote if they wanted slavery or not

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The oldest culture that provided the most influential literature in the western world were the Hebrews. The Hebrew culture brought the concept of monotheism to the west with the Holy Bible as the most influential literature.