

Best Answer

it's not really a song but people can still use it

The conflict that took shape in the 1790s between the Federalists and the Anti-federalists exercised a profound impact on American history. The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, who had married into the wealthy Schuyler family, represented the urban mercantile interests of the seaports; the Anti-federalists, led by Thomas Jefferson, spoke for the rural and southern interests. The debate between the two concerned the power of the central government versus that of the states, with the Federalists favoring the former and the Anti-federalists advocating states' rights.

Hamilton sought a strong central government acting in the interests of commerce and industry. He brought to public life a love of efficiency, order and organization. In response to the call of the House of Representatives for a plan for the "adequate support of public credit," he laid down and supported principles not only of the public economy, but of effective government.

Hamilton pointed out that America must have credit for industrial development, commercial activity and the operations of government. It must also have the complete faith and support of the people. There were many who wished to repudiate the national debt or pay only part of it. Hamilton, however insisted upon full payment and also upon a plan by which the federal government took over the unpaid debts of the states incurred during the Revolution.

Hamilton also devised a Bank of the United States, with the right to establish branches in different parts of the country. He sponsored a national mint, and argued in favor of tariffs, using a version of an "infant industry" argument: that temporary protection of new firms can help foster the development of competitive national industries. These measures -- placing the credit of the federal government on a firm foundation and giving it all the revenues it needed -- encouraged commerce and industry, and created a solid phalanx of businessmen who stood firmly behind the national government.

Jefferson advocated a decentralized agrarian republic. He recognized the value of a strong central government in foreign relations, but he did not want it strong in other respects. Hamilton's great aim was more efficient organization, whereas Jefferson once said "I am not a friend to a very energetic government." Hamilton feared anarchy and thought in terms of order; Jefferson feared tyranny and thought in terms of freedom.

The United States needed both influences. It was the country's good fortune that it had both men and could, in time, fuse and reconcile their philosophies. One clash between them, which occurred shortly after Jefferson took office as secretary of state, led to a new and profoundly important interpretation of the Constitution. When Hamilton introduced his bill to establish a national bank, Jefferson objected. Speaking for those who believed in states' rights, Jefferson argued that the Constitution expressly enumerates all the powers belonging to the federal government and reserves all other powers to the states. Nowhere was it empowered to set up a bank.

Hamilton contended that because of the mass of necessary detail, a vast body of powers had to be implied by general clauses, and one of these authorized Congress to "make all laws which shall be necessary and proper" for carrying out other powers specifically granted. The Constitution authorized the national government to levy and collect taxes, pay debts and borrow money. A national bank would materially help in performing these functions efficiently. Congress, therefore, was entitled, under its implied powers, to create such a bank. Washington and the Congress accepted Hamilton's view -- and an important precedent for an expansive interpretation of the federal government's authority

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Q: How was Hamilton's views on bonds different from those of Thomas Jefferson?
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Who argued strongly against Alexander hamiltons plan to pay off war bonds?

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Who argued strongly against hamiltons plan to pay off war bonds?

Thomas Jefferson

What was Jefferson's bonds?

Jefferson's bonds refer to the financial support that Thomas Jefferson received from the wealthy planters in Virginia to help fund his political activities and election campaigns. These bonds played a crucial role in cementing Jefferson's political influence and power in Virginia and beyond.

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No, Thomas Jefferson thought that it would be unfair to the original bondholders who had sold their bonds to the speculators.

Why did thomas Jefferson oppose paying full value for bonds?

Thomas Jefferson opposed paying full value for bonds because he believed that doing so would benefit speculators who had purchased the bonds at a discounted rate. He thought this would lead to an unfair advantage for wealthy individuals and erode the principles of democracy. Jefferson preferred a more egalitarian approach that would prioritize the needs of the common people.

Alexander hamiltons Policy of paying off all federal bonds at face value?


Who disagreed with the idea to pay speculators the full value of the government bonds that they had bought during the Revolutionary War?

Thomas Jefferson didn't want to pay the speculators at the full value because they basically made everyone else poor. Speculators generally lived in the north, so that would focus all the power and prestige in the north. Thomas Jefferson opposed this viewpoint as he was from the south. Alexander Hamilton was the man who came up with the plan. I know this because I have to write a huge essay on it right now. I'm actually procrastinating. Hope this helps.

Alex hamiltons policy of paying off all federal bonds?

Funding and assumption

Hamiltons aggressive financial policies of paying off all federal bonds and taking on all state debts?

Funding and assumption.

Why did people oppose to Alexander hamiltons to pay off the bonds?

Many people thought he was making people rich at the expense of others.

What did Jefferson think of bonds?

he thought that you had to have fun and get drunk

Who said when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one peoples to dissolve the political bonds?

That other countries should know why the colonies were trying to become independent